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W. Ross's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music. W. Ross. Bagpipe sheet music.


Zbiranje W. Ross v Highland glasbi dud. W. Ross. Dude note.


W. Ross's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music. Book 2. Arranged by W. Ross. For Bagpipes. Music Sales America. Traditional. 46 pages. Paterson Ltd. #PAT30052. Published by Paterson Ltd.. HL.14027838. ISBN 0853602484. Traditional. 10x7 inches. A superb collection of almost 50 Highland reels, strathspeys, jigs and marches for all occasions. Angus Mac Rae. Reel. Arniston Castle. Strathspey. Bob Of Fettercairn. Strathspey. Cabar Freidh. Strathspey. Captain Batchelor, Glasgow Academy. Cecily Ross. Reel. Clementina. Reel. Cluny's Strathspey. Doctor Mac Leod Of Alnwick. March. Donachd Head. Jig. Jamie Ray. Jig. John Mac Coll's Farewell To The Scottish Horse. March. John Mac Gregor Murray's March. John Morrison Esq. Of Assynt House March. Kilberry Castle. March. Lady Madelina Sinclair. Strathspey. Leaving Poart Askaig. March. Leaving St. Kilda. Slow Air. Loch An Duin. Reel. Lochiel's Away To France. Reel. Lord Alexander Kennedy. March. Lord Mac Donald. Reel. Mac Beth's Strathspey. Mac Lennan's Overcoat. Strathspey. Maggie Cameron. Strathspey. Malcolm Johnston. Reel. Mrs. Pat Mac Laghach. March. Over the Isles to America. reel. Pandora's Reel. Pipe Major W. Ross's Welcome To Sutherland. March. Sandy Cameron. Reel. The Barley Mow. Jig. The Black Mill. Reel. The Clan Mac Coll. March. The Crags Of Stirling. March. The Duke Of Edinburgh. Strathspey. The Ewe With The Crooked Horn. Strathspey. The Helmsdale Fishers. Jig. The Lonach Gathering. March. The Maids Of Kintal. March. The Old Ruins. Reel. The Seventy First's Highlanders. March. The Sheepwife. Reel. The Shepherd's Crook. Strathspey. The Smith Of Chilliechassie. Reel. Theid Mi Dhachaidh 'Chro Chinn T-saile. Slow Air. Thomson's Dirk. Reel.


Zbiranje W. Ross v Highland glasbi dud. Book 2. Uredil W. Ross. Za dude. Glasba prodaje America. Tradicionalni. 46 strani. Патерсон ООО. Izdala Paterson Ltd. HL.14027838. ISBN 0853602484. Tradicionalni. 10x7 cm. Krasen zbirka skoraj 50 Highland koluti, strathspeys, šablon in pohodov za vse priložnosti. Angus Mac Rae. Reel. Arniston grad. Strathspey. Bob Of Fettercairn. Strathspey. Čabar Freidh. Strathspey. Kapetan Batchelor, Glasgow Academy. Cecily Ross. Reel. Clementina. Reel. Cluny je Strathspey. Zdravnik Mac Leod Of Alnwick. Marec. Donachd Head. Jig. Jamie Ray. Jig. John Mac Coll je poslovila od škotskega Horse. Marec. John Mac Gregor Murray je marca. John Morrison Esq. Od Assynt House marca. Kilberry grad. Marec. Lady Madelina Sinclair. Strathspey. Leaving Poart Askaig. Marec. Leaving St Kilda. Slow Air. Loch Duin. Reel. Lochiel na tujem v Francijo. Reel. Lord Alexander Kennedy. Marec. Lord Mac Donald. Reel. Mac Bethina Strathspey. Mac Lennan je plašč. Strathspey. Maggie Cameron. Strathspey. Malcolm Johnston. Reel. Ga Pat Mac Laghach. Marec. Preko otočja do Amerike. reel. Pandorina Roll. Pipe majorja W. Ross Welcome To Sutherlanda. Marec. Sandy Cameron. Reel. Ječmen kosite. Jig. Črna Mill. Reel. Clan Mac Coll. Marec. Crags Stirling. Marec. Vojvoda Edinburški. Strathspey. Ewe With The Crooked rogu. Strathspey. V Helmsdale Ribiči. Jig. Lonach Gathering. Marec. Služkinje Of Kintal. Marec. Stari Ruins. Reel. Sedemdesetih prva je Highlanders. Marec. Sheepwife. Reel. Pastir je Crook. Strathspey. Smith Of Chilliechassie. Reel. Theid se Mi Dhachaidh "chro Chinn T-Saile. Slow Air. Thomsonov Dirk. Reel.