
Partiture $1.25


Electric Keyboard Pocketbook. Electronic Keyboard sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.


Električni Tipkovnica knjižica. Elektronske klaviature note. Klavir note. Začetek.


Electric Keyboard Pocketbook for Electronic Keyboard. Saddle-stitched, Solos. Pocketbook. Folk. Beginning. Pocketbook. 32 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94335. ISBN 9780871666567. Folk. 5 x 3.5 inches. This useful text contains a wealth of solos for portable electronic keyboards reflecting a variety of musical styles. Each selection is presented in an easy-to-read format showing the melody note. with the note name inside the notehead. , song lyrics, and chord symbols. In addition, rhythm and voice. instrument. settings are suggested for each song. A special feature of this book is the inclusion of a unique electronic keyboard chord chart and melody note finder. It is our hope that this book will lead to many enjoyable musical moments on your keyboard. Written for a 49-key instrument, these tunes can be played on larger keyboards, electric and acoustic pianos, and organ as well. Juanita. Linstead Market. Motown Shuffle Blues. The Entertainer. Just A Closer Walk. 12th Street And Delmar Blues. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Down And Out Blues. In My Merry Oldsmobile. Shenandoah. Santa Lucia. Railroad Bill. America. Pay Me My Money Down. Pushin' And A-Pullin' Blues. Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey. Scarborough Fair.


Električni Tipkovnica knjižica za elektronsko tipkovnico. -Sedlo žico, Solos. Žepna knjiga. Folk. Začetek. Žepna knjiga. 32 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94335. ISBN 9780871666567. Folk. 5 x 3,5 cm. To koristno besedilo vsebuje veliko solističnih za prenosne elektronske klaviature, ki odraža različne glasbene sloge. Vsak izbor je predstavljena na enostaven za branje format prikazuje melodije beležko. z imenom note znotraj notehead. , besedila pesmi, in simboli tetiva. Poleg tega ritma in glasu. instrument. nastavitve so predlagali za vsako pesem. Posebnost te knjige je vključitev edinstveno elektronsko tipkovnico tetivo karte in melodija note najditelju. To je naše upanje, da bo ta knjiga privede do številnih prijetnih glasbenih trenutkov na tipkovnici. Napisana za 49-ključni instrument, lahko te melodije se igral na večjih klaviature, električnih in akustičnih klavirja in orgel, kot tudi. Juanita. Linstead Market. Motown Shuffle Blues. Entertainer. Samo Closer Walk. 12th Street In Delmar Blues. Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho. Navzdol in navzven Blues. Moja Merry Oldsmobile. Shenandoah. Santa Lucia. Railroad Bill. America. Plačajte mi denar dol. Privadim in A-Pullin 'Blues. Ne prideš domov Bill Bailey. Scarborough Fair.