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O Jesus Christ, my life, my light. Johann Sebastian Bach. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Cornet sheet music. English Horn sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Trombone sheet music.Prevod
O Jezus Kristus, moje življenje, moja luč. Johann Sebastian Bach. Voice note. Zbor note. Cornet note. Angleški rog note. Klavir in klaviature note. Pozavna note.Originalno
O Jesus Christ, my life, my light. Funeral motet. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. Edited by Ulrich Leisinger. For 1st version. SATB choir, 2 horns, cornetto, 3 trombones. 2nd version. SATB choir, 2 horns, 2 violins, viola, basso continuo,. 2 oboes, taille. english horn. , bassoon. This edition. Paperbound. B-Dur. B-flat major. Stuttgart Urtext Edition. German title. O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht Motette. Sacred, Motets. Stuttgart Urtext editions. Occasions. Mourning, Death. Vocal score. Language. German. English. Composed 1736. 37 thru the first half of the 1740s. BWV 118. 8 pages. Duration 7 minutes. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.3111803. ISBN M-007-08879-8. With Language. German. English. Sacred, Motets. Stuttgart Urtext editions. Occasions. Mourning, Death. Two versions survive. 1st version composed 1736. 37, 2nd version in the first half of the 1740s. The versions differ only in instrumentation, and both are integrated in this edition. Score available separately - see item CA.3111800.Prevod
O Jezus Kristus, moje življenje, moja luč. Pogreb motet. Sestavljajo Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. 1685-1750. Uredil Ulrich Leisinger. Za 1. različici. SATB zbor, 2 rogov, Cornetto, 3 pozavne. 2. različica. SATB zbor, 2 rogova, 2 violini, viola, basso continuo,. 2 oboi, taille. angleški rog. , Fagot. Ta izdaja. Paperbound. B-Dur. B-duru. Stuttgart Urtext Edition. Nemški naslov. O Jezus Kristus, moj življenjski luč motet. Svete, motetov. Stuttgart Urtext izdaje. Priložnostih. Žalovanja, Death. Vokalna ocena. Jezik. Nemško. Angleščina. Sestavlja 1736. 37 skozi prvi polovici 1740s. BWV 118. 8 strani. Trajanje 7 minut. Izdala Carus Verlag. CA.3111803. ISBN M-007-08879-8. Z jezikom. Nemško. Angleščina. Svete, motetov. Stuttgart Urtext izdaje. Priložnostih. Žalovanja, Death. Dve različici preživetje. 1. različica sestavljena 1736. 37, 2. različica v prvi polovici 1740s. Različice se razlikujejo le po instrumentih, in tako so vključeni v tej izdaji. Rezultat na voljo ločeno - glej točko CA.3111800.Največkrat iskano