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Italian Polka. Sergei Rachmaninoff. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Piano sheet music. Intermediate.


Italijanska Polka. Sergej Rahmaninov. Trobenta notno B-Flat. Klavir note. Vmesna.


Italian Polka. Trumpet Part Included. Composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff. 1873-1943. For Piano & Trumpet. Duet or Duo. Masterworks. Piano Duet. 1 Piano, 4 Hands. Belwin Classic Library. Late Intermediate level piece for the Piano Duet event with the National Federation of Music Clubs. NFMC. Festivals Bulletin 2008-2009-2010. 20th Century. Masterwork. Romantic. Late Intermediate. Sheet. 16 pages. Published by Belwin Music. AP.F02350A. ISBN 075793725X. 20th Century. Masterwork. Romantic. In the hands of Rachmaninoff, the piano convincingly takes on the power and might of a symphony orchestra. The energetic and bright "Italian Polka," scored for one piano, four hands and trumpet solo alternates between E-flat minor and E-flat major, ending in a dramatic fortissimo in the major key. A crowd-pleasing favorite for "pop" concerts or recital programs.


Italijanska Polka. Trobenta Del Vključeno. Sestavljajo Sergeja Rahmaninova. 1873-1943. Za klavir. Duet ali Duo. Mojstrovine. Piano Duet. 1. Piano, 4 Hands. Belwin Classic knjižnica. Pozna Vmesna raven kos za klavirski duet dogodek z nacionalne zveze glasbenih klubov. NFMC. Festivali Bilten 2008-2009-2010. 20th Century. Mojstrovina. Romantična. Pozna Intermediate. Pločevine. 16 strani. Izdala Belwin Glasba. AP.F02350A. ISBN 075793725X. 20th Century. Mojstrovina. Romantična. V rokah Rahmaninova, klavir prepričljivo prevzame stvarstva za simfonični orkester. Energična in svetlo "Italijanska Polka", dosegel en klavir, štiri roke in trobento solo izmenično E-molu in E-duru, ki se konča v dramatičnem fortissimo v glavni ključ. Množice prijeten favorit za "pop" koncertih ali uvodna programov.
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