
Partiture $1.50


Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me. Choral Score. Michael Burkhardt. Cello sheet music. Choir sheet music. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Violin sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.


Gospod, daj mi roko in me vodi. Zborovska Ocena. Michael Burkhardt. Violončelo note. Zbor note. Handbell note. Tolkala note. Violina note. Organski Spremljava note. Začetek.


Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me. Choral Score. composed by Michael Burkhardt. For SATB choir, congregation, organ, optional string quartet, handbells. Confirmation, Education, Baptism, Commitment. Discipleship, Trust. Guidance. Moderately Easy. Choral score. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers. MN.60-7008A. This concertato on the tune SO NIMM DENN MEINE HANDE is a rather intimate and rich portrayal of Julie van Hausmann's text on hope and confidence in the Lord. Organ may be substituted for strings in stanza 2 if strings are unavailable. The setting is particularly appropriate for rites of passage. Baptism, Confirmation, Graduation, etc. as well as for times of worship emphasizing trust in the Lord. Organist plays from the Full Score. Reproducible congregation page in the Full Score. Available separately. Full Score. MN.60-7008. Instrumental Parts. MN.60-7008B.


Gospod, daj mi roko in me vodi. Zborovska Ocena. ki ga sestavljajo Michael Burkhardt. Za SATB zbor, zbor, orgle, neobvezno godalni kvartet, handbells. Potrditev, izobraževanje, krst, Commitment. Učenca, Trust. Smernice. Zmerno Easy. Zborovska ocena. Izdala Morningstar glasbeni založniki. MN.60-7008A. Ta concertato na melodijo SO NIMM DENN Meine Hande je precej intimno in bogat portret besedila Julie van Hausmann o upanju in zaupanju v Gospoda. Organ, se lahko zamenjajo strune v kitici 2, če so strune na voljo. Nastavitev je še posebej primerno za obredov prehoda. Krst, birma, Graduation, etc. kakor tudi za časih častili poudarkom zaupanja v Gospoda. Organist predvaja od polne Ocena. Ponovljiv občina stran v Full Score. Na voljo ločeno. Polna Ocena. MN.60-7008. Instrumentalnih delov. MN.60-7008B.
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