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Autoharp Complete Method. Various. Autoharp sheet music.


Autoharp Complete Method. Various. Autoharp note.


Autoharp Complete Method for Autoharp. Ashley Publications. Theory. 96 pages. Ashley Mark Publishing Company #AS10462. Published by Ashley Mark Publishing Company. HL.510462. ISBN 0825653657. Theory. 9x12 inches. Includes instruction of stroking, strumming, fingering, transposing, melody picking, and over 150 songs. Melody of Love. Deck the Halls. Rosary. I've Been Workin' On The Railroad. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen. Give Me That Old-time Religion. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Home on the Range. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane. First Noel. Little Annie Rooney. America, the Beautiful. Santa Lucia. Gypsy Love Song. Cindy. In the Gloaming. Black Is The Colour Of My True Love's Hair. Brother John. Taps. Goodnight, Ladies. Whispering Hope. Flow Gently, Sweet Afton. Old Folks At Home. Auld Lang Syne. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Wildwood Flower. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Dixie. Polly Wolly Doodle. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Rock Of Ages. Hail To The Chief. You're A Grand Old Flag. Three Blind Mice. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. A-Roving. Oh. Susanna. My Wild Irish Rose. This Old Man. My Bonnie. Sweet Molly Malone. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Li'l Liza Jane. Frankie and Johnny. Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes. Skip to My Lou. Aura Lee. Oh Promise Me. Corrina, Corrina. This Train. A Tisket, A Tasket. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms. Silver Threads Among The Gold. Give My Regards to Broadway. Hello. Ma Baby. Billy Boy. America. The Sweetest Story Ever Told. Old Dog Tray. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Ten Little Indians. Home, Sweet Home. Green Grow The Lilacs. Mary Ann. Love's Old Sweet Song. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Daisy Bell. Loch Lomond. Largo. There Is a Tavern in the Town. London Bridge. You Gave Me A Mountain. The Star Spangled Banner. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. The Camptown Races. O Come, All Ye Faithful. ST James Infirmary. Carless Love. Abide with Me. Standing in the Need of Prayer. Jingle Bells. Jacob's Ladder. Little Brown Jug. In the Good Old Summertime. The Twelve Days of Christmas. My Gal Sal. When The Saints Go Marching In. Lullaby. Comein' Thro' The Rye. Os Ole Mio. Midnight Special. The Yellow Rose of Texas. The Bowery. The Weeping Willow Tree. Riddle Song. Good-by, My Lover, Good-bye. The Crawdad Song. Foggy Foggy Dew. Roving Gambler. My Darling Clementine. Old Kentucky Home. Birthday Theme. Sh'ell Be Comin' Round The Mountain. Wabash Cannonball. On Top Of The Old Smoky. Michael. I Dream Of Jeanie. Dance by the Light of the Moon. Aloha Me. Nearer, My God to Thee. Mulberry Bush. Boll Weevil Song. The Streets Of Laredo. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Oh. Them Golden Slippers. Marine's Hymn. Oh, Dear. What Can The Matter Be. The Sidewalks of New York. On The Sloop 'John B'. Bill Bailey. Kum Ba Yah. John Henry. Hail. Hail. The Gang's All Here. Zoot Swings The Blues. Greensleeves. Blue Danube Waltz. Yankee Doodle Dandy. Joy To The World. Beautiful Dreamer. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Down in the Valley. Sailing, Sailing. Guantanamera. I Love You Truly. Londonderry Air. When You Were Sweet Sixteen. Shortnin' Bread. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Mary's A Grand Old Name. The Rose Of Tralee. When You And I Were Young, Maggie. Long, Long Ago. Were You There. After the Ball. Silent Night. Blow the Man Down.


Autoharp popoln Metoda za Autoharp. Ashley publikacije. Teorija. 96 strani. Эшли Марк издательская компания. Izdala Ashley Mark Publishing. HL.510462. ISBN 0825653657. Teorija. 9x12 cm. Vključuje navodila za božal, Drndanje, fingering, prenosu, melodijo obiranje, in več kot 150 pesmi. Melodija ljubezni. Deck the Halls. Rožni venec. Sem delal "na železnici. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov. Jaz bom peljal spet doma, Kathleen. Give Me That Old-time Religion. Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho. Home on the Range. Podaj Me Down My Walking Cane. Prvi Noel. Malo Annie Rooney. Amerika, Beautiful. Santa Lucia. Gypsy Love Song. Cindy. V Gloaming. Črna je barva dlake mojo pravo ljubezen je. Brother John. Pipe. Lahko noč, dame. Šepetajo Hope. Nežno pretoka, Sweet Afton. Stari ljudje doma. Auld Lang Syne. Nihče ne ve Težave sem videl. Wildwood Flower. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Dixie. Polly wolly Doodle. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Rock Of Ages. Hail To The Chief. Si Grand Old Flag. Tri slepe miši. Samo Closer Walk s teboj. -Roving. Oh. Susanna. My Wild Irish Rose. Ta Old Man. My Bonnie. Sweet Molly Malone. Zapoj pesem o kovancu. Li'l Liza Jane. Frankie in Johnny. Piti k meni Samo s svojimi očmi. Preskoči na moj Lou. Aura Lee. Oh Obljubi mi. Corrina, Corrina. Ta Vlak. Tisket, Tasket. Verjemite mi, če se vsi Te ljubezniv Mladi Charms. Srebrne niti med Zlata. Pozdravi na Broadway. Pozdravljeni. Ma Baby. Billy Boy. America. Sweetest Story Ever Told. Old Dog Tray. Nadaljnja, Christian Soldiers. Deset Mali Indijci. Home, Sweet Home. Zelena raste lilij. Mary Ann. Ljubezen, Old Sweet Song. Dobil je ves svet v svojih rokah. Daisy Bell. Loch Lomond. Long. Obstaja Tavern v mestu. London Bridge. Dal si mi goro. Star Spangled Banner. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. V Camptown Dirke. O Come, All Ye Faithful. ST James Ambulanta. Carless Ljubezen. Ravnajo z menoj. Stoji v stiski molitve. Jingle Bells. Jakobova lestev. Malo Brown Jug. V dobrih starih Summertime. Dvanajst dni božiča. Moj Gal Sal. Ko Saints Go Marching V. Lullaby. Comein 'Thro "Rye. Os Ole Mio. Midnight posebna. Yellow Rose of Texas. Bowery. Weeping Willow Tree. Riddle Song. Good-by, My Lover, Good-bye. Crawdad Song. Megleno Foggy Dew. Potepuški Gambler. My Darling Clementine. Old Kentucky Home. Rojstni dan Tema. Sh'ell Bodite Prihajamo "Round the Mountain. Wabash Cannonball. Na vrhu Old smoky. Michael. I Dream Of Jeanie. Dance by the Light of the Moon. Aloha Me. Bližje, moj Bog, k tebi. Mulberry Bush. Boll Weevil Song. Streets Of Laredo. Battle Hymn Republike. Oh. Jim Golden Copati. Marine Hymn. Oh, Dear. Kaj lahko se zadeva. Pločnikih New Yorku. Na Sloop "John B". Bill Bailey. Kum Ba Yah. John Henry. Toča. Toča. Tolpa All Here. Zoot Swings The Blues. Greensleeves. Blue Danube Waltz. Yankee Doodle Dandy. Veselje v svet. Beautiful Dreamer. Za On je dober fant. V dolini. Jadranje, jadranje. Guantanamera. I Love You Resnično. Londonderry Air. Ko ste bili Sweet Sixteen. Shortnin "Kruh. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Marijina Grand Old Ime. Rose Of Tralee. Ko You And I Were Young, Maggie. Long, Long Ago. Ste bili. Po plesu. Silent Night. Blow ranjenca.
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