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Viderunt omnes and Sederunt. Perotinus. Choir sheet music.
Viderunt omnes in Sederunt. Perotinus. Zbor note.
Viderunt omnes and Sederunt. Miniature Score. Composed by Perotinus. Choir Sacred. Choral. Sacred. Choral Worship Collection. Miniature Score. Masterworks. Worship Resources. Kalmus Edition. Masterwork. Sacred. Miniature Score. 72 pages. Published by Kalmus Classic Edition. AP.K01241. ISBN 0769259480. Masterwork. Sacred. Perotin. Latin Perotinus. was a most gifted composer of the Notre Dame school, which, during the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, was the first school to produce polyphony of international acclaim. Four of the works included in this collection are organa. A Perotin organum consists of a liturgical chant melody and text, which forms the tenor or cantus firmus. Its rhythm is altered. In approximately the same vocal range, the composer added one, two or three other voices, the duplum, triplum and quadruplum, all of them in one of the six rhythmic patterns known as modi. Seven of the works included in this collection are motets. These originated throug the tradition of troping, which consisted of the addition of a text to a melismatic piece of music. In motets, it was the duplum of an organum or clausula which was troped. When this happend the duplum was called motetus, and this name was adapted for the entire composition.
Viderunt omnes in Sederunt. Miniature Ocena. Ki ga sestavljajo Perotinus. Zbor Sacred. Zborovska. Sacred. Zborovska Čaščenje Collection. Miniature Ocena. Mojstrovine. Bogoslužna Viri. Kalmus Edition. Mojstrovina. Sacred. Miniature Ocena. 72 strani. Izdala Kalmus Classic Edition. AP.K01241. ISBN 0769259480. Mojstrovina. Sacred. Perotin. Latinščina Perotinus. je bil najbolj nadarjen skladatelj šoli Notre Dame, ki je v poznih dvanajstem in zgodnjem trinajstem stoletju je bila prva šola za proizvodnjo polifonijo mednarodni ugled. Štirje od del, vključenih v tej zbirki so Organa. PEROTIN ORGANUM sestavlja liturgično petje melodije in besedila, ki tvori tenor ali Cantus FIRMUS. Njegov ritem je spremenila. V približno istem vokalni razpon, skladatelj dodal enega, dva ali tri druge glasove, se duplum, triplum in quadruplum, vse od njih v enem od šestih ritmičnih vzorcev, znanih kot Modi. Sedem del, vključenih v tej zbirki so motetov. To izvira throug tradiciji troping, ki je obsegal dodajanju besedila na melismatic kos glasbe. V motetov je bilo duplum AN ORGANUM ali clausula ki je bil troped. Ko se je to zgodilo je duplum imenuje motetus, in to ime je bil prilagojen za celotno sestavo.