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Brad Paisley. Brad Paisley. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Brad Paisley. Brad Paisley. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note.


Brad Paisley. A Step-By-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles and Techniques of a Country-Rock Superstar. By Brad Paisley. For Guitar. Signature Licks Guitar. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 104 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.696379. ISBN 1423484088. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Take an in-depth look at the songs and solos of country guitarist extraordinaire Brad Paisley with this book. CD pack. Learn to play the key licks from 12 of his best, including. Alcohol. Cluster Pluck. Huckleberry Jam. I'm Gonna Miss Her. The Fishin' Song. Mr. Policeman. Mud on the Tires. The Nervous Breakdown. Online. Start a Band. Ticks. Time Warp. The World. The Signature Licks book. audio packs are especially formatted to give instruction on how to play a particular artist style by using the actual transcribed, "right from the record" licks. Designed for use by anyone from beginner right up to the experienced player who is looking to expand their insight. The books contain full performance notes and an overview of each artist or group's style with transcriptions in notes and tab. The audio accompaniment features playing tips and techniques, as well as playing examples at a slower tempo. I'm Gonna Miss Her. The Fishin' Song. Time Warp. Mud On The Tires. Alcohol. The World. Online. Ticks. Mr. Policeman. The Nervous Breakdown. Start A Band. Huckleberry Jam. Cluster Pluck.


Brad Paisley. Step-By-Step Razčlenitev slogov in tehnik Country-Rock Superstar Guitar. Brad Paisley. Za kitaro. Signature Licks Guitar. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. Guitar tablature. 104 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.696379. ISBN 1423484088. Z Guitar tablature. 9x12 cm. Bodite poglobljen pogled na pesmi in solo kitarista država extraordinaire Brad Paisley s to knjigo. CD paket. Naučite se igrati ključne liže od 12 njegovih najboljših, vključno. Alkohol. Cluster Pluck. Huckleberry Jam. Jaz sem Gonna Miss Her. V ribi Song. Mr. Policeman. Blato na pnevmatikah. Nervous Breakdown. Online. Začnite bend. Klopi. Čas Warp. Svet. Signature Licks Knjiga. avdio paketi so posebej oblikovana, da navodila o tem, kako igrati posebno umetnik slog z uporabo dejanske prepisali, "desno od zapisov na" liže. Zasnovan za uporabo s strani vsakogar, od začetnikov pravico do izkušenega igralca, ki želijo razširiti svoje vpogled. Knjige vsebujejo vse zapiske uspešnosti in pregled vsakega umetnika ali slog skupine s prepisi v bankovcih in zavihek. Zvočna spremljava ima igranje nasvetov in tehnik, kot tudi igranje primeri s počasnejšim tempom. Jaz sem Gonna Miss Her. V ribi Song. Čas Warp. Blato na pnevmatikah. Alkohol. Svet. Online. Klopi. Mr. Policeman. Nervous Breakdown. Začnite bend. Huckleberry Jam. Cluster Pluck.
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