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The Carl Sigman Songbook. Carl Sigman. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Carl Sigman Songbook. Carl Sigman. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.


The Carl Sigman Songbook composed by Carl Sigman. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Music Sales America. Movies and Pop Vocal. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 191 pages. Music Sales #AM987283. Published by Music Sales. HL.14006173. ISBN 0825635101. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Movies and Pop Vocal. 9x12 inches. Carl Sigman was one of the most versatile and successful songwriters in the history of American popular music. Mainly a lyricist, he also wrote melodies and collaborated with the greatest musicians of his time, including Johnny Mercer, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, and Bob Hilliard. During his long career, Sigman proved himself a master of many popular music genres, from the novelty song to the love ballad, and the list of artists who recorded his songs reads like a roll call of twentieth century legends. Elvis Presley, Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett, Nat "King" Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Dean Martin, Van Morrison, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and Sarah Vaughn, to name a few. Many of his hits have now become standards that attract singers from each new generation. The Pussycat Dolls, the Brian Setzer Orchestra, Michael Buble, Barry Manilow, Rod Stewart, Diane Reeves, Erasure, Fun Lovin' Criminals, and Nick Lowe have all covered Carl Sigman songs in recent years. Now, collected in one volume for the first time, here are 43 of Carl Sigman's greatest hits for you to play, sing, and enjoy all over again. All Too Soon. Arrivederci, Roma. Ballerina. Big Brass Band From Brazil. Buona Sera. Busy As A Bee I'm Buzz, Buzz, Buzzin'. Careless Hands. Civilization. Bongo, Bongo, Bongo. Come In Out of the Rain. Crazy She Calls Me. A Day In The Life Of A Fool. The Day in the Life of a Fool. Dream Along with Me, I'm on My Way to a Star. Ebb Tide. Enjoy Yourself. It's Later Than You Think. Funny Thing. Hop Scotch Polka. How Will I Remember You. I Could Have Told You. If You Could See Me Know. It's All In The Game. Losing You. Love Lies. A Marshmallow World. Matinee. M Heart Cries for You. Passe. Pennsylvania 6-5000. Put That Kiss Back Where You Found It. Right Now. Robin Hood. Shangri-La. Some Days There Just Ain't No Fish. Souvenir D'Italie. Summertime In Venice. There is No Christmas Like a Home Christmas. The Thousand Islands Song. Till. Twenty-Four Hours of Sunshine. You're My World. What Now My Love. Where Do I Begin. Love Story. The World We Knew. Over and Over.


Carl Sigman Songbook sestavi Carl Sigman. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Glasba prodaje America. Filmi in Pop Vocal. Songbook. Vokalna melodija, besedilo, klavirska spremljava, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. 191 strani. Музыка по продажам. Izdala Music Sales. HL.14006173. ISBN 0825635101. Z vokalna melodija, besedil, klavirsko spremljavo, tetiva imena in kitare tetiva diagramov. Filmi in Pop Vocal. 9x12 cm. Carl Sigman je bil eden izmed najbolj vsestranskih in uspešnih tekstopisci v zgodovini ameriške popularne glasbe. Predvsem pesnik, je pisal tudi melodije in sodeloval z največjimi glasbeniki svojega časa, vključno z Johnny Mercer, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington in Bob Hilliard. V svoji dolgoletni karieri, Sigman izkazal kot mojster številnih priljubljenih glasbenih zvrsti, od novosti pesmi z ljubezensko balado, in seznam umetnikov, ki so zabeležene njegove pesmi se bere kot poimenskim legend dvajsetega stoletja. Elvis Presley, Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett, Nat "King" Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Dean Martin, Van Morrison, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin in Sarah Vaughn, če naštejemo le nekatere. Veliko njegovih zadetkov so postali standardi, ki privabljajo pevce iz vsake nove generacije. Pussycat Dolls, Setzer Orchestra Brian, Michael Buble, Barry Manilow, Rod Stewart, Diane Reeves, izbris, Fun Lovin 'Criminals, in Nick Lowe so vsi zajeti Carl Sigman pesmi v zadnjih letih. Zdaj, zbrane v enem zvezku prvič, tukaj je 43 Carl Sigman največjih zadetkov za vas, da igrajo, pojejo in uživajo vse znova. Vse Too Soon. Arrivederci, Roma. Balerina. Big Brass Band iz Brazilije. Good Evening. Zaposlen kot čebela sem Buzz, Buzz, Buzzin '. Nepreviden Hands. Civilization. Bongo, Bongo, Bongo. Pridite v Out of the Rain. Crazy Ona Me poziva. Dan v življenju Fool. Dan v življenju a Fool. Dream z menoj, jaz sem na poti do zvezde. Ebb Tide. Uživajte. To je Later Than You Think. Funny Thing. Hop škotskega polka. Kako bo I Remember You. Jaz bi si Told. Če bi lahko videli Me Know. To je vse v igri. You izgublja. Love Lies. Marshmallow Svetovna. Matineja. M Heart Cries za vas. Pass. Pennsylvania 6-5000. Daj to kiss Nazaj Kje vam je zdelo. Right Now. Robin Hood. Shangri-La. Nekaj ​​dni enostavno ni nobena riba. Souvenir D'Italie. Summertime V Benetkah. Nobenega Božič Like Home božič. Thousand Islands Song. Do. Štiriindvajset ur sončnega obsevanja. You're My World. Zdaj, kaj My Love. Kje naj začnem. Ljubezenska zgodba. The World We Knew. Znova in znova.
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