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More Songs Of The 50's. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.
Več Songs Of The 50-ih. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Vmesna.
More Songs Of The 50's. The Decade Series. Composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. The Decade Series. 1950s and Rock 'n' Roll. Difficulty. medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 182 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311650. ISBN 0793530946. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 1950s and Rock 'n' Roll. 9x12 inches. 56 songs, including. Hey, Good Lookin', Hound Dog, Love and Marriage,. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear, Yakety Yak and more. Allegheny Moon. Alright, Okay, You Win. The Day The Rains Came. Bird Dog. Blueberry Hill. Book Of Love. Chanson D'Amour. The Ra-Da-Da-Da-Da Song. Charlie Brown. Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful. Earth Angel. The Great Pretender. The Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby. Honeycomb. Hey, Good Lookin'. Hound Dog. I Can't Help It. If I'm Still In Love With You. A Teenager in Love. loving you. I Wanna Be Loved. It's Only Make Believe. I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face. Just Walking In The Rain. Kiss Of Fire. Little Darlin'. Lonely Boy. Love And Marriage. A Lover's Question. Mama Look A Boo Boo. Magic Moments. Mona Lisa. Primrose Lane. Put Your Head On My Shoulder. You've Got. Personality. Silhouettes. Shrimp Boats. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. A Story Untold. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear. That's Amore. That's Love. Too Much. Tutti Frutti. Why. Yakety Yak. It's Almost Tomorrow. Young At Heart. Your Cheatin' Heart. Why Don't You Believe Me. At My Front Door.
Več Songs Of The 50-ih. Desetletje Series. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Desetletje Series. 1950 in Rock 'n' Roll. Težavnost. srednje. Songbook. Vokalna melodija, klavirska spremljava, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. 182 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.311650. ISBN 0793530946. Z vokalna melodija, klavirsko spremljavo, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitare tetiva diagramov. 1950 in Rock 'n' Roll. 9x12 cm. 56 pesmi, vključno. Hej, Good Lookin ', Hound Dog, Ljubezen in poroka,. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear, Yakety Yak in več. Allegheny Moon. V redu, v redu, zmagal si. Dan Rains Came. Bird Dog. Blueberry Hill. Book Of Love. Chanson D'Amour. Ra-Da-Da-Da-Da Besedila. Charlie Brown. Ali I Love You, ker si lepa. Earth Angel. Great Pretender. Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. Srečna, Happy Birthday Baby. Honeycomb. Hej, Good Lookin '. Hound Dog. Jaz ne morem si pomagati. Če sem Still In Love With You. Najstnik v ljubezni. loving you. I Wanna Be Loved. To je narediti samo Believe. Sem se navadili na obraz. Just Walking In The Rain. Kiss of Fire. Malo Ljubica. Lonely Boy. Ljubezen in poroka. Ljubimec je vprašanje. Mama Poglej Boo Boo. Magic Moments. Mona Lisa. Primrose Lane. Daj glavo na moji rami. Imaš. Osebnost. Silhuete. Kozica Boats. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Zgodba Untold. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear. To je Amore. To je ljubezen. Too Much. Tutti Frutti. Zakaj. Yakety Yak. To je skoraj Tomorrow. Mlade po srcu. Vaš Cheatin "Heart. Zakaj ne verjemi mi. Na mojimi vrati.