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Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method Songbook 2. Various. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method Songbook 2. Various. Guitar tablature note.
Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method Songbook 2 by Various. For Guitar. Guitar Tab Method. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 24 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.696655. ISBN 1476812055. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Here are 10 hit songs tabbed for beginning guitarists to play while they are working through the Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method, or any other guitar method. The songs are all on facing pages for no page turns, and the CD features both examples of how the guitar should sound, and full-band backing tracks so students can play the lead. Songs. Born under a Bad Sign. Brain Stew. Fortunate Son. I Won't Back Down. Lithium. Mr. Jones. Rebel 'Rouser. Rolling in the Deep. Use Somebody. The Zoo. The CD is playable on any CD player, and also enhanced so Mac & PC users can adjust the tempo without changing the pitch. Mr. Jones. The Zoo. Born Under A Bad Sign. Use Somebody. Rolling In The Deep. Brain Stew. I Won't Back Down. Lithium. Rebel 'Rouser. Fortunate Son.
Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method Songbook 2 by Various. Za kitaro. Guitar Tab Metoda. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. Guitar tablature. 24 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.696655. ISBN 1476812055. Z Guitar tablature. 9x12 cm. Tukaj je 10 uspešnic z zavihki za začetek kitarista, da igrajo, medtem ko delajo preko Hal Leonard Guitar Tab metodo ali katero koli drugo metodo kitaro. Pesmi so vsi na obrnjeni strani za noben stran obrne in CD značilnosti obeh primerov, kako bi morala kitara zvok in poln-band back skladb, tako da lahko učenci igrajo vodilno vlogo. Pesmi. Born under a Bad Sign. Brain Stew. Fortunate Son. Ne bo Back Down. Litij. G. Jones. Rebel "Rouser. Valjanje v Deep. Uporabite Somebody. The Zoo. The CD is playable on any CD player, and also enhanced so Mac & PC users can adjust the tempo without changing the pitch. G. Jones. Živalski vrt. Rojen Pod slab znak. Uporabite Somebody. Vozni V Deep. Brain Stew. Ne bo Back Down. Litij. Rebel "Rouser. Fortunate Son.