Partiture $11.25
Really Easy Jazzin' About for Piano. Keyboard. Pam Wedgwood. Organ sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.
Res Easy Jazzin "O za klavir. Tipkovnica. Pam Wedgwood. Organski note. Piano Solo note. Začetek.
Really Easy Jazzin' About for Piano. Keyboard composed by Pam Wedgwood. For Piano. This edition. Easy Piano. Revised Edition. Book. CD. Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Faber Edition. Jazzin' About. Jazz. Early Elementary. Published by Faber Music. AP.12-0571534031. ISBN 0571534031. Jazz. Cool syncopation, funky riffs and smooth, stylish tunes - from dynamic to nostalgic, Pam Wedgwood's series has it all. Really Easy Jazzin' About is a vibrant collection of original pieces in a range of contemporary styles, tailor-made for the absolute beginner. This new edition features a fantastic accompanying CD, complete with performances, backing tracks and slowed-down backings for practice. So take a break from the classics and get into the groove as you cruise from blues, to rock, to jazz. Titles include. Ping-Pong. Hot Chilli. Hip-Hop. Wise Guy. Washing-Up Blues. Spell It Out for Me Baby and more.
Res Easy Jazzin "O za klavir. Tipkovnica, ki ga sestavljajo Pam Wedgwood. Za klavir. Ta izdaja. Easy Piano. Revidirana izdaja. Knjiga. CD. Piano Collection. Dodatni načrt. Faber Edition. Jazzin "O. Jazz. Zgodnje Elementary. Izdala Faber Music. AP.12-0571534031. ISBN 0571534031. Jazz. Cool syncopation, funky rifi in gladke, elegantne melodije - od dinamične do nostalgije, serija Pam Wedgwood se je vse. Really Easy Jazzin' About is a vibrant collection of original pieces in a range of contemporary styles, tailor-made for the absolute beginner. Ta nova izdaja ima fantastično priloženo CD, skupaj s predstavami, spremljevalni skladbe in nosilce upočasnjena za prakso. Torej vzeti odmor od klasike in priti v utor, kot ste križarjenje iz blues, rock, jazz. Naslovi vsebujejo. Ping-Pong. Hot Chilli. Hip-Hop. Wise Guy. Washing-Up Blues. Spell It Out for Me Baby and more.