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Andy James' Metal Rhythm Guitar in 6 Weeks. Electric Guitar sheet music.Prevod
Andy James 'Metal ritem kitara v 6 tednih. Electric Guitar note.Originalno
Andy James' Metal Rhythm Guitar in 6 Weeks. Week 5. By Andy James. For Guitar. Guitar. Lick Library. DVD. Lick Library #RDR0355. Published by Lick Library. HL.393174. Welcome to the Metal Rhythm Guitar in 6 Weeks guitar course. This course is designed to focus your practice towards realistic goals achievable in six weeks. Each week provides you with techniques, concepts and licks to help you play and understand metal rhythm playing at a manageable pace. Different rhythm patterns are taught each week to help you towards playing in real musical situations and develop an ear for the differences between players. If you have been frustrated or intimidated by other educational material this course is for you. You will see the improvement as you work through each week. Week five includes. Drop C# tuning. complete song breakdown with technique including arpeggiated riffs, triplets, pedal tones, down picking. and a metal guitar jam track. Andy James is a well respected guitarist and teacher whose influences include Greg Howe, Paul Gilbert, Tony Macalpine and Zakk Wylde. He is known for his blistering technique.Prevod
Andy James 'Metal ritem kitara v 6 tednih. 5. teden. Andy James. Za kitaro. Kitara. Lick Library. DVD. Lick Library #RDR0355. Izdala Lick Library. HL.393174. Dobrodošli na Metal Rhythm Guitar v 6 tednih kitara tečajev. Ta tečaj je zasnovan tako, da se osredotoči svojo prakso v smeri realne cilje mogoče doseči v šestih tednih. Vsak teden vam ponuja tehnike, koncepte in liže, ki vam pomaga igrati in razumeti kovinski ritem igranja na obvladljivi ritem. Različni vzorci ritma se poučujejo vsak teden, da vam pomaga pri igranju v realnih situacijah, glasbenih in razvija posluh za razlike med igralci. Če ste bili razočarani ali prestraši drugo izobraževalno gradivo ta tečaj za vas. Boste videli napredek, kot delate skozi vsak teden. Pet Teden vključuje. Drop C # tuning. complete song breakdown with technique including arpeggiated riffs, triplets, pedal tones, down picking. and a metal guitar jam track. Andy James je dobro upoštevati kitarist in učitelj, katerega vplivi vključujejo Greg Howe, Paul Gilbert, Tony Macalpine in Zakk Wylde. On je znan po svoji mehurji tehniko.Največkrat iskano