
Partiture $10.00


Crooner's Serenade. Grade 3.


Pevec je Serenade. Razred 3.


Crooner's Serenade. A medley of tunes performed by Michael BublÃ. Featuring. Moondance. Iâve Got You Under My Skin. Save the Last Dance for Me. Arranged by Justin Williams. Concert Band. Concert Band. Score. Pop Concert Band. Form. Medley. Pop. Grade 3. 36 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.35413S. Justin Williams features three favorite tunes that Michael Bublà resurrected with his velvety voice. Featuring "Moondance," "I've Got You Under My Skin," and closing with "Save the Last Dance for Me," the variety of textures and styles in this medley are astounding. You wonât find a pop medley that will capture the imagination of your audience better than this one. Moondance. Save the Last Dance for Me. I've Got You Under My Skin. from "Born to Dance".


Pevec je Serenade. Mešano pesmi Michaela Bubla opravljenih. Featuring. Moondance. IAVE Got You Under My Skin. Save the Last Dance for Me. Urejene po Justin Williams. Concert Band. Concert Band. Ocena. Pop Concert Band. Obrazec. Mešano. Pop. Razred 3. 36 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.35413S. Justin Williams ima tri najljubše melodije, da je Michael Bubla vstali s svojim žametnim glasom. Featuring "Moondance", "Imam te Under My Skin« in zapiranje s "Save the Last Dance for Me," različne teksture in stilov, v tem mešano, so presenetljiva. Vi wonât našli pop mešano, ki bo zajemanje domišljijo občinstva bolje kot tale. Moondance. Save the Last Dance for Me. Imam te Under My Skin. iz "Born to Dance".
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