
Partiture $275.00


Caricatures III. Jere Hutcheson. English Horn sheet music. Grade 5.


Karikature III. Jere Hutcheson. Angleški rog note. Stopnje 5.


Caricatures III composed by Jere Hutcheson. For concert band. Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Flute 3. doubling piccolo. , Oboe 1, Oboe 2, English Horn, Soprano Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, Bb Bass Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Contrabassoon, Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxopho. Band Music. Grade 5. Score and parts. Duration 32. 10. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.11620. Nine musical caricatures of such differing personalities as Salvador Dali and Sammy Davis Jr, give this work a variety of character that accentuates the unique composition of each movement. 1 Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory With surfaces as smooth as shellac and images set down with photographic clarity, Dali brought a sense of reality to his bizarre and irrational dreamscapes. One of the best known of these, The Persistence of Memory, displays several limp timepieces in the foreground with a desert and lake in the background. 2 Sammy Davis, Jr. - ShowTime The diminutive Sammy was a giant in the world of show business. Of his many talents, the one that delighted me the most was his tap dancing. 3 Gertrude Stein - Pigeons on the grass alas Gertrude was a master of nonsensical verse and stream of consciousness word sculptures. She could turn a phrase like no one else. 4 Stephen King - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy As Stanley Kubrick's film version of Stephen King's novel The Shining approaches its spine tingling climax, Wendy Torrance discovers that her demented writer husband, Jack, has filled hundreds of sheets of typing paper with the maxim All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 5 Marcel Duchamp - Readymade Marcel Duchamp anticipated pop art with his readymade sculptures. Two of my favorites are Rotary Demisphere and Bicycle Wheel. 6 Felix Mendelssohn - Scherzo 'Music that dances on its tiptoes,' that's how I describe Mendelssohn's scherzo music. 7 Kurt Vonnegut - Breakfast of Champions Listen. It was the imaginary waitress at the imaginary cocktail lounge at the imaginary Holiday Inn who joked, 'Breakfast of Champions' every time she served a martini. 8 Alexander Calder - Forms in Motion Alexander Calder created ingenious and fanciful sculptures. Most famous perhaps are his floating airy mobiles. The artist also produced large immobile sculptures for parks, gardens, and public buildings called stabiles. My musical tribute to Calder is a sequence of five sound sculptures titled Forms in Motion. 9 Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Bumblebee Rimsky-Korsakov, composer of operas, ballets, and tone poems, is best remembered today for a handful of colorful works, each characterized by brilliant orchestration. Among these is the diminutive Flight of the Bumblebee. My tribute to Rimsky is simply titled Bumblebee.


Karikature III sestavljajo Jere Hutcheson. Za koncert pasu. Pikolo, flavta 1, 2 flavta, piščal 3. podvojitev piccolo. , Oboa 1, 2 oboa, angleški rog, klarinet Soprano, Bb klarinet 1, Bb klarinet 2, Bb klarinet 3, Bb bas klarinet, Kontrabas klarinet, fagot 1, fagot 2, kontraforte, sopranski saksofon, Alto Saxopho. Band Glasba. Stopnje 5. Rezultat in deli. Trajanje 32. 10. Izdala C. Alan publikacije. CN.11620. Devet glasbenih karikature teh različnih osebnosti, kot so Salvador Dali in Sammyja Davisa Jr, daje to delo različna značaja, ki poudari edinstveno sestavo vsakem premiku. 1. Salvador Dali - Vztrajnost spomina površinami tako gladko, kot šelak in slikami, določenimi s fotografsko jasnosti Dali prinesel občutek za realnost, da svojih bizarnih in neracionalnih sanjske. Ena izmed najbolj znan med njimi, Vztrajnost spomina, prikaže več zasilne Ure v ospredju s puščavo in jezera v ozadju. 2 Sammy Davis Jr - Showtime pomanjševalnica Sammy je bil velikan v svetu šovbiznisa. Njegovih mnogih talentov, tisti, ki me je najbolj navdušil je bil njegov tap ples. 3 Gertrude Stein - Golobi na travi žal Gertrude bil mojster nesmiselno verzih in toka zavesti besednih skulptur. Ona bi lahko obrnejo stavek, kot nihče drug. 4. Stephen King - Vsa dela in ne igra, da Jack dolgočasno fant Kot filmski različici Stanleyja Kubricka iz romana Stephena Kinga Shining bliža hrbtenice mravljinčenje vrhunec, Wendy Torrance odkrije, da je njen dementne pisatelj mož Jack je napolnjena na stotine listov tipkanje papirja z maksimo Vsa dela in ne igra, da Jack dolgočasno fant. 5. Marcel Duchamp - Readymade Marcel Duchamp pričakovati pop art z njegovimi Readymade skulpture. Dva od mojih favoritov so Rotary Demisphere in Bicycle Wheel. 6 Felix Mendelssohn - Scherzo "Glasba, ki pleše na svoje prste," da je, kako sem opisal Mendelssohn je Scherzo glasbe. 7. Kurt Vonnegut - Zajtrk prvakov Poslušaj. To je bila namišljena natakarica v imaginarni cocktail lounge na imaginarni Holiday Inn, ki se je pošalil, "Breakfast of Champions" vsakič, ko je služil martini. 8 Alexander Calder - Oblike in Motion Alexander Calder ustvaril iznajdljiv in izmišljen skulpture. Najbolj znani so morda njegova plava zračen mobilnih telefonih. Umetnik proizvaja tudi velika nepremična skulpture za parkih, vrtovih in javnih zgradb, imenovanih stabiles. Moj glasbeni poklon Calder je zaporedje petih zvočnih skulptur z naslovom Obrazci in Motion. 9 Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Bumbar Rimski-Korsakov, skladatelj opere, baleti in pesnitvami, ki je danes najbolj poznan po peščico pisanih del, vsak značilni briljantno orkestracijo. Med njimi je pomanjševalnica Flight of the Bumblebee. Moj poklon Rimski preprosto naslovom Bumbar.