Partiture $1.90
Rejoice. Give Thanks. Sing. J. Paul Williams. Choir sheet music.
Veselite. Hvalite. Pojejo. J. Paul Williams. Zbor note.
Rejoice. Give Thanks. Sing. composed by J. Paul Williams and Joseph M. Martin. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Choral. 15 pages. Glory Sound #A8631. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35018133. J. Paul Williams and Joseph Martin collaborate to give churches the quintessential blended worship anthem for Thanksgiving. The use of “Rejoice, the Lord Is King,” the classic hymn by Charles Wesley, with the contemporary rhythmic answer from Martin provides the contemporary variety that makes the anthem a perfect choice for traditional. transitional churches. Exciting.
Veselite. Hvalite. Pojejo. ki ga sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Joseph M. Martin. Za zborovsko. SATB. Glory Sound. Zborovska. 15 strani. Glory Sound #A8631. Izdala Glory Sound. HL.35018133. J. Paul Williams in Joseph Martin sodelovati, da bi cerkva najpomembnejšega mešano bogoslužja himno za zahvalni dan. Uporaba "Veselite se, Gospod je kralj," classic hvalnic Charles Wesley, s sodobno ritmično odgovor od Martin ponuja sodobno paleto, ki omogoča himna odlična izbira za tradicionalno. prehodne cerkve. Razburljivo.