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The Glory of His Promises. Philip Kern. Choir sheet music.


Slava svoje obljube. Philip Kern. Zbor note.


The Glory of His Promises arranged by Philip Kern. For Choral. SATB. Shawnee Press. Choral, Tracks, Brass. Percussion, General Use, Patriotic Commemorations, Arrangements, Incorporating Hymn Tunes and Sacred. 12 pages. Shawnee Press #A6684. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35007902. This majestic pairing of two songs of triumph will become a fast favorite with both choir and congregation. Utilizing a quodlibet on “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Standing on the Promises,” this powerful choral extols the greatness of God and the strength and conviction of our faith. The Glory of His Promises is an impressive anthem any time of the year, but its semi-patriotic theme makes it especially well suited for July 4th, the New Year, or unity and heritage celebrations.


Slava svoje obljube, ki jih organizira Philip Kern. Za zborovsko. SATB. Shawnee Press. Zborovsko, Gosenice, Brass. Percussion, General Use, Patriotic Commemorations, Arrangements, Incorporating Hymn Tunes and Sacred. 12 strani. Shawnee Press #A6684. Izdala Shawnee Press. HL.35007902. Ta veličastna združevanje dveh pesmi zmagoslavja bo postal hitro priljubljena pri obeh zbor in kongregacije. Uporaben quodlibet o "Battle Hymn republike" in "stoji na obljub," ta močna zborovsko hvali božjo veličino in moč in odločnost naše vere. Glory Njegovih obljub je impresivna himna koli letnem času, vendar semi-domoljubna tema, zaradi česar je posebej primeren za 4. julij, Novo leto, ali enotnosti in dediščine praznovanja.
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