
Partiture $15.00


By Heaven's Light. A Christmas Cantata. Allen Pote. Choir sheet music.


Z nebeškega luči. Božič Kantata. Allen Pote. Zbor note.


By Heaven's Light. A Christmas Cantata composed by Allen Pote. For Musicals. Christmas, Cantata. Christmas Musicals. Christmas, Sacred. Preview Pack. Book & Listening CD. - Limit 1 per customer. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.8336. This adult Christmas cantata comes from the writing team of Tom Long and Allen Pote. Traditional carols, original music, lyrics, and scripture from the gospels of Luke and Matthew are all used to tell the Christmas story. Options are provided for using candles and "actor tableaux" to embellish the performance. The performance time of 25 minutes makes this ideal for use as part of the worship service. The orchestration is by Joel Raney, which includes a Conductor's Score as well as Percussion. wind chimes, chime, suspended cymbal, orchestra bells, timpani, snare drum, tambourine, triangle, bell tree. , Flute, Oboe, Trumpet in B-flat, Horn in F, Cello, and Electric Bass.


Z nebeškega luči. Božič Kantata sestavljena Allen Pote. Za muzikali. Božič, Kantata. Božični Musicals. Božič, Sacred. Predogled Pack. Knjiga. - Meja 1 na stranko. Izdala Hope Publishing. HP.8336. Ta odraslih Božič kantata prihaja iz pisanja ekipe Tom Long in Allen Pote. Tradicionalne božične pesmi, izvirno glasbo, besedila in Pismo iz evangelijev po Luku in Mateju so vsi uporabljeni povedati božično zgodbo. Možnosti so na voljo za uporabo sveče in "igralec tableaux" olepšati uspešnosti. Čas za izvedbo 25 minutah je ta idealen za uporabo kot del storitve čaščenja. Orkestracija je Joel Raney, ki vključuje dirigentu in njihovo oceno, kakor tudi za tolkala. veter zvončki, gonge, viseče činele, orkester zvonci, timpani, snare boben, tamburin, trikotnik, zvonec drevo. , Flavta, oboa, trobenta v B-flat, rog v F, violončelo in Electric Bass.
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