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Belwin Beginning Band, Book One. featuring the works of Michael Story. Michael Story. Percussion sheet music.
Belwin Začetek Band, Book One. featuring dela Michael Story. Michael Story. Tolkala note.
Belwin Beginning Band, Book One. featuring the works of Michael Story. composed by Michael Story. Concert Band. For Combined Percussion. Band Supplement. Book. 40 pages. Published by Belwin Music. AP.ELM01053. Bring the composer and his music into the band room. Eleven super titles with an instructional CD in the Conductor Book containing the composer's verbal comments to the director, to the students, as well as a program note for the audience. Michael Story's comments are certain to be invaluable as a teaching tool. Titles are. Silverado. 51 Pegasus. Roman Fanfare. Sax to the Max. Carnival in Rio. Sakura. Cherry Blossoms. Fantasy on "Chester". Battle Creek March. American Fantasy. Toyland. Christmas Bits and Pieces. Silverado. 51 Pegasus. Roman Fanfare. Sax to the Max. Carnival in Rio. Sakura. Cherry Blossoms. Fantasy on "Chester". Battle Creek March. American Fantasy. Toyland. Christmas Bits and Pieces.
Belwin Začetek Band, Book One. featuring dela Michael Story. ki ga sestavljajo Michael Story. Concert Band. Za kombinirano tolkala. Band Supplement. Knjiga. 40 strani. Izdala Belwin Glasba. AP.ELM01053. Prinesite skladatelja in njegovo glasbo, v pasu sobo. Enajst super naslovov s CD-poučni v Dirigent knjige, ki vsebuje ustne pripombe skladateljevim direktorja, do študentov, kot tudi programski note za občinstvo. Komentarji Michael zgodbo so prepričani, da je neprecenljiv, kot učni pripomoček. Naslovi so. Silverado. 51 Pegasus. Roman Fanfare. Sax, da Max. Karneval v Riu. Sakura. Cherry Blossoms. Fantasy na "Chester". Battle Creek marec. Ameriški Fantasy. Toyland. Božični bitov in kosov. Silverado. 51 Pegasus. Roman Fanfare. Sax, da Max. Karneval v Riu. Sakura. Cherry Blossoms. Fantasy na "Chester". Battle Creek marec. Ameriški Fantasy. Toyland. Božični bitov in kosov.