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Pelimannit. Fiddlers. Einojuhani Rautavaara.


Pelimannit. Fiddlers. Einojuhani Rautavaara.


Pelimannit. Fiddlers composed by Einojuhani Rautavaara. 1928-. For strings. String parts. Published by Fennica Gehrman. FG.55011-031-1. ISBN 979-0-55011-031-1. The Fiddlers comprises five free fantasias on leaves from the musical notebook of an 18th century folk fiddler Samuel Rinda-Nickola. The work opens with the arrival of Narbo's famous fiddlers in grand procession. The second miniature depicts one Jonas who is playing alone in the midsummer night, accompanied by the murmuring forest. There is a tongue-in-cheek portrait of the village organist improvising on memories of Bach and wedding tunes, followed by a Devil's Schottische in which quite a lot is askew. The suite ends with the hurly-burly of a stamp-and-jump dance. "Their broad faces are as solemn as in the church, but a strange excitement lurks in their huge legs and hands.


Pelimannit. Fiddlers zložil Einojuhani Rautavaara. 1928 -. Za godala. Nizi. Izdala Fennica Gehrman. FG.55011-031-1. ISBN 979-0-55011-031-1. Fiddlers obsega pet prostih fantasias na listi iz glasbenega notebook ljudskega goslača iz 18. stoletja Samuel Rinda-Nickola. Delo se začne s prihodom znanih godcev Narbo je v veliki procesiji. Drugi miniaturni prikazuje eno Jonas, ki je igral sam v kresni noči, skupaj s šumenjem gozdu. Obstaja jezika-v-lice portret vaškega organista improvizacijo na spominih Bacha in poročne pesmi, ki mu sledi Hudičevega Schottische, v katerem je precej postrani. Suite konča z vrveža žiga in skok ples. "Njihova splošna obrazi so slovesno kot v cerkvi, ampak čudno navdušenje skriva v svojih ogromnih nogah in rokah.