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The Morning Star. from Spring Symphony, Op. 44. Benjamin Britten. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Morning Star. Od pomladi simfonija, op. 44. Benjamin Britten. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.


The Morning Star. from Spring Symphony, Op. 44. SATB and Piano Reduction. Composed by Benjamin Britten. 1913-1976. For Choral. SATB. BH Secular Choral. 8 pages. Boosey & Hawkes #M051481903. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. HL.48022502. ISBN 1480330442. 6.75x10.5 inches. Publisher. Boosey & Hawkes. Difficulty level. The Spring Symphony was commissioned by the Koussevitzky Music Foundation and is dedicated to Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It was actually premiered at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam in July 1949 before its American premiere the following month at Tanglewood by its dedicatees. This work is a major undertaking from all points of view. It uses a huge orchestra. complete with cow horn which has to be hired specially. , a children's choir which certainly does not have to be composed only of boys, three soloists, and a large SATB chorus which is given very challenging and detailed music to sing. If any work demonstrates the flip side of the Britten coin from Saint Nicolas it must be the Spring Symphony. Here is a seriously intentioned, highly contemporary work for its time which nevertheless shows his predilection for anthologising texts, for creating amazing moments of levity - approaching the humorous episodes in his operas - and producing a score of such colour and vibrancy that the impression left on the mind is indelible. Despite being composed for an American ensemble and conductor this work is quintessentially British. The poems have strong connections with English pastoral imagery and some are forever associated with settings as madrigals. In fact this madrigalian emphasis bubbles gently beneath the surface for much of the work and points up where Britten's roots really lie. This is a challenging work on all fronts and is an extremely complex composition. It is however eminently performable by a choir of sufficient size to balance the large orchestra and who can rise to the level of attainment Britten requires. It also really does need a childrens' choir - and a children's choir which can sing with real confidence and projection. They are given a key role to play in this work. In fact the 'spring' element so vital to the whole concept is underscored by young singers in the 'springtime' of their lives. This, therefore, has to have a completely different kind of tone quality from the main choir - a second group of sopranos won't do. Beyond these practical caveats this is a score which deserves to be better-known and more often performed than it is, and choirs and orchestras should be encouraged to promote it widely. It is one of the most original choral. orchestral works of the first half of the twentieth century. Duration. Spring Symphony, complete. 45 minutes. Paul Spicer, Lichfield, 2011 Full of humour and high spirits - the entry of the cowhorn always raises a smile - it makes a wonderfully upbeat ending to this earthy work. The children's choir is given a starring role throughout this amazing movement, but nowhere more so than at Britten's inspired coup de théâtre where he brings in the well-known Sumer is icumen in at the end which crowns the sweepin.


Morning Star. Od pomladi simfonija, op. 44. SATB in klavir Reduction. Ki ga sestavljajo Brittna. 1913-1976. Za zborovsko. SATB. BH svetom Choral. 8 strani. Boosey & Hawkes #M051481903. Izdala Boosey. HL.48022502. ISBN 1480330442. 6.75x10.5 cm. Založba. Boosey. Težavnost. Spring Symphony je naročil Koussevitzky Music Foundation, in je namenjen Serge Koussevitzky in Bostonski simfonični orkester. To je dejansko bil premierno prikazan na Concertgebouw iz Amsterdama v julij 1949 pred ameriško premiero doživel naslednji mesec na Tanglewood s svojimi dedicatees. To delo je velika zaveza iz vseh zornih kotov. Uporablja velik orkester. zaključi s kravjim rogom, ki ga je treba posebej najeti. , Otroški pevski zbor, ki nikakor ne morajo biti sestavljena le fantov, tri soliste in veliko SATB refrenom, ki je dano zelo zahtevna in podrobno glasbe pojejo. Če vsako delo dokazuje flip plat medalje Britten iz Saint Nicolas, mora biti Spring Symphony. Here is a seriously intentioned, highly contemporary work for its time which nevertheless shows his predilection for anthologising texts, for creating amazing moments of levity - approaching the humorous episodes in his operas - and producing a score of such colour and vibrancy that the impression left on the mind is indelible. Kljub temu da je sestavljena za ameriški ansambel in dirigent to delo je tipično britanski. Pesmi imajo močne povezave z angleške pastorale posnetkov in nekateri so za vedno povezana z nastavitvami kot madrigalov. V bistvu je to madrigalian poudarek nežno mehurčki pod površino za veliko dela in kaže navzgor, kjer korenine Britten je res lagal. To je zahtevno delo na vseh frontah in je izjemno kompleksna sestava. Vendar pa je nadvse performable s zbor je dovolj velika za uravnoteženje veliki orkester in ki lahko dvignejo na raven izobrazbe Britten zahteva. Prav tako je res potrebno zbor otroških - in otroški zbor, ki poje s pravim zaupanjem in projekcijo. So dati ključno vlogo pri tem delu. V bistvu je "pomlad" element tako ključnega pomena za celoten koncept poudarjajo mladih pevcev v "pomladi" svojega življenja. To je zato, mora imeti popolnoma drugačno kvaliteto tona iz glavnega zbora - druga skupina Sopranos ne bo naredil. Beyond these practical caveats this is a score which deserves to be better-known and more often performed than it is, and choirs and orchestras should be encouraged to promote it widely. To je eden izmed najbolj izvirnih zborovskega. orkestralna dela v prvi polovici dvajsetega stoletja. Trajanje. Spring Symphony, complete. 45 minut. Paul Spicer, Lichfield, 2011 Full of humour and high spirits - the entry of the cowhorn always raises a smile - it makes a wonderfully upbeat ending to this earthy work. The children's choir is given a starring role throughout this amazing movement, but nowhere more so than at Britten's inspired coup de théâtre where he brings in the well-known Sumer is icumen in at the end which crowns the sweepin.
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