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Complete Jazz Guitar Method. Jody Fisher. Easy Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Beginning.


Complete Jazz Guitar Method. Jody Fisher. Easy Guitar note. Electric Guitar note. Začetek.


Complete Jazz Guitar Method. Beginning Jazz Guitar. Composed by Jody Fisher. For Guitar. This edition. Standard Notation & TAB. Guitar Method or Supplement. Method. Instruction. Complete Method. Jazz. Beginner. Book. 96 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.14114. ISBN 0739001108. Jazz. Anyone with a knowledge of basic chords and guitar scale fingerings can dig right in and start learning to play jazz right away. Spanning from the major scale and basic triad theory all the way up to extended chords and the modes, this book features a full-length etude or song to go with every new concept introduced. Beginning Jazz Guitar breaks the age-old tradition of dry, intimidating and confusing jazz books, and provides an actual step-by-step and enjoyable method for learning to play in this style. Clearly organized into easily mastered segments, each chapter is divided into separate lessons on harmony or improvisation. All music is shown in standard notation and TAB, and the CD demonstrates the examples in the book. 96 pages. About the Author. Introduction. Chapter 1. Getting Started. Open Position Chords. Barre Chords. Reading Music. Blues Progression and Strumming. Pentatonic Scale Fingerings. Chapter 2. Lesson 1A. Basic Theory. The Chromatic Scale. The Major Scale. Key Signatures. Intervals. The Cycle of 4ths. or 5ths. Reading Roman Numerals. Lesson 1B. Major Scale Fingerings. Lesson 2A. Triad Theory & Root Position Fingerings. Major Triad Theory. Major Triad Inversions. Minor, Diminished, and Augmented Triads --- and Their Inversions. The Four Basic String Sets. Root Position Triad Fingerings. Etude No. 1. Root Position Triads. Lesson 2B. Two More Major Scale Fingerings. Lesson 3A. First-Inversion Triads on Four String Sets. Etude No. 2. First-Inversion Triads. Lesson 3B. Two More Major Scale Fingerings. Lesson 4A. Second-Inversion Triads on the Four String Sets. Etude No. 3. Second-Inversion Triads. Lesson 4B. Major Scale Etude. Etude No. 4. The Major Scale. Chapter 3. Lesson 1A. Constructing Larger Chords. How Larger Chord Formulas Work. Extensions. Inverting Larger Chords. Voicings. Lesson 1B. Major Scale Etude. Etude No. 5. The Major Scale. Lesson 2A. 6th Chords. Major 6th Chords. Minor 6th Chords. Etude No. 6. 6th Chords. Lesson 2B. Connecting Major Scales. Lesson 3A. 7th Chords. Major 7th Chords. Minor 7th Chords. Dominant 7th Chords. Etude No. 7. 7th Chords. Lesson 3B. Three-Octave Scales. Lesson 4A. 9th Chords. Extensions & Chord Families. Major 9th Chords. Minor 9th Chords. Dominant 9th Chords. Etude No. 8. 9th Chords. Etude No. 9. More 9th Chords. Lesson 4B. More Three-Octave Scales. Lesson 5A. Other Chords You Need to Know. Minor 11th Chords. Dominant 11th Chords. Major 13th Chords. Minor 13th Chords. Dominant 13th Chords. Major Add9 Chords. Minor Add9 Chords. Min7Flat5. Half-Diminished. Chords. Diminished 7th Chords. Dominant 7th Suspended Chords. Minor. Ma7 Chords. Dominant 7th Augmented Chords. Etude No. 10. More Chords. Lesson 5B. Two Tunes Using the Major Scale. Noah's Groove. Blues for Maggie. Chapter 4. Lesson 1A. The Harmonized Major Scale. Lesson 1B. Improvising with the Major Scale. What It's All About. Diatonic Thinking. Lesson 2A. Major Chord Scales. Lesson 2B. Two Tunes Based on the Major Scale. Ruby, My Deerfly. Fly Like a Beagle. Lesson 3A. More Major Chord Scales. Lesson 3B. Two More Tunes Based on the Major Scale. Noisy Nights. The Creature. Lesson 4A. More Major Chord Scales. Lesson 4B. Two More Tunes Based on the Major Scale. Julie in Wonderland. Samba de Shauna. Chapter 5. Lesson 1A. Roman Numerals and Transposition. Lesson 1B. Modes of the Major Scale --- The Basics. Lesson 2A. More About Roman Numerals and Transposition. Lesson 2B. Modes of the Major Scale --- Parallel-Approach Fingerings. D Dorian. E Phrygian. F Lydian. G Mixolydian. A Aeolian. B Locrian. Practice Progressions. Lesson 3A. Vertical Chord Scales. Lesson 3B. Modes of the Major Scale --- Derivative Approach. Lesson 4A. More Vertical Chord Scales. Lesson 4B. Two Modal Tunes. Nosh 4 Josh. Chocolate Tuna Enchiladas. Lesson 5A. More Vertical Chord Scales. Lesson 5B. Two Modal. Diatonic Tunes. Modelicious. Blue Tofu. CODA --- A MEDLEY OF SUGGESTIONS AND MUSICAL CONCEPTS. How Jazz Works. Technique. Basic Left- and Right-Hand Technique. Posture. Basic Strumming Technique. Fingerstyle Chords. Pick and Fingers Technique. Practice. The Value of Practicing Slowly. Learning Difficult Chords and Changing Chords. Learning Scales Two Strings at a Time. The Value of Locked Positions. Practicing the Major Scales. Limiting Rhythmic Options. Using Melodic Patterns. Soloing. Form. Using an Opening, Body, and Conclusion. Form Based on Motif and Variation. The Use of Repetition in Your Solos. Tag Ending. Afterword.


Complete Jazz Guitar Method. Začetek Jazz Guitar. Ki ga sestavljajo Jody Fisher. Za kitaro. Ta izdaja. Standardnim zapisom. Metoda. Navodila. Complete Method. Jazz. Začetnik. Knjiga. 96 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.14114. ISBN 0739001108. Jazz. Vsakdo s poznavanjem osnovnih akordov in fingerings kitara obsegu lahko kopati v desno in začeti učiti igrati jazz takoj. Segajo od velikega obsega in osnovne teorije triade vso pot do razširjenih akordi in načini, ta knjiga ponuja celovečerni etude ali skladbe, da gredo z vsakim novim konceptom uvedla. Začetek Jazz Guitar odmori starodavno tradicijo suha, zastrašujoče in zmedeno jazz knjig, in zagotavlja dejanski korak-po-korak in prijeten način za učenje igrati v tem slogu. Jasno je organizirana v zlahka osvojili segmentih, se vsako poglavje je razdeljeno na ločenih lekcije o harmoniji in improvizaciji. Vse glasba je prikazana v standardnem zapisu in TAB in CD kaže primere v knjigi. 96 strani. O avtorju. Predstavitev. Poglavje 1. Začetek. Odprta pozicija akordi. Barre akordi. Branje Glasba. Blues napredovanja in Drndanje. Pentatonic Merilo fingerings. Poglavje 2. Lekcija 1A. Osnovna teorija. Kromatične lestvice. Večjem obsegu. Ključne Podpisi. Intervali. Cikel 4ths. ali 5ths. Branje rimskimi številkami. Lekcija 1B. Večjem obsegu fingerings. Lekcija 2A. Triade Theory. Major Triada Theory. Major Triada Inverzija. Minor, zmanjšal, in utrdili Triade --- in njihovih Inverzija. Štirih osnovnih String Sets. Root Položaj Triada fingerings. Etude številka 1. Root Položaj Triade. Lekcija 2B. Dve Več večjem obsegu fingerings. Lekcija 3A. Prvi inverzije Triade na štirih godalnih Scena. Etude številka 2. Prvi inverzije Triade. Lekcija 3B. Dve Več večjem obsegu fingerings. Lekcija 4A. Drugi inverzije Triade na postavlja štiri godalnih. Etude številka 3. Drugi inverzije Triade. Lekcija 4B. Večjem obsegu Etude. Etude številka 4. Večjem obsegu. Poglavje 3. Lekcija 1A. Gradnji Večji Chords. Kako Večja Chord Formule Delo. Razširitve. Obračanjem Večji Chords. Voicings. Lekcija 1B. Večjem obsegu Etude. Etude številka 5. Večjem obsegu. Lekcija 2A. 6. Pesem. Večji 6. Pesem. Manjše 6. Pesem. Etude številka 6. 6. Pesem. Lekcija 2B. Povezovanje Veliki Tehtnice. Lekcija 3A. 7. Pesem. Večji 7. Pesem. Manjše 7. Pesem. Prevladujoči 7. Pesem. Etude številka 7. 7. Pesem. Lekcija 3B. Tri-Octave Tehtnice. Lekcija 4A. 9. Pesem. Razširitve. Večji 9. Pesem. Manjše 9. Pesem. Prevladujoči 9. Pesem. Etude No 8. 9. Pesem. Etude št 9. Več 9. Pesem. Lekcija 4B. Več Tri-Octave Tehtnice. Lekcija 5A. Drugi Pesem morate vedeti. Manjše 11th akordi. Prevladujoči 11th akordi. Večji 13th akordi. Manjše 13th akordi. Prevladujoči 13th akordi. Večji Add9 akordi. Manjše Add9 akordi. Min7Flat5. Pol Diminished-. Pesem. Zmanjšane 7. Pesem. Prevladujoči 7. Viseči akordi. Minor. Ma7 akordi. Prevladujoči 7. Povečana akordi. Etude številka 10. Več akordi. Lekcija 5B. Dve Tunes Uporaba razsežnosti. Noetova Groove. Blues za Maggie. Poglavje 4. Lekcija 1A. Harmonizirani večjem obsegu. Lekcija 1B. Improvizacijo z večjem obsegu. Kaj je All About. Diatonična Thinking. Lekcija 2A. Večji Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 2B. Dve Tunes Na podlagi večjem obsegu. Ruby, My Deerfly. Fly Like a Beagle. Lekcija 3A. Več Major Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 3B. Dve Več Tunes Na podlagi večjem obsegu. Glasni Nights. Creature. Lekcija 4A. Več Major Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 4B. Dve Več Tunes Na podlagi večjem obsegu. Julie in Wonderland. Samba de Shauna. Poglavje 5. Lekcija 1A. Rimskimi številkami in prenos. Lekcija 1B. Načini razsežnosti --- Osnove. Lekcija 2A. Več o rimskih in prenosu. Lekcija 2B. Načini razsežnosti --- fingerings Parallel-Pristop. D Dorian. E Phrygian. F lidijska pisava. G Mixolydian. Eolski. B Locrian. Practice Progressions. Lekcija 3A. Vertikalna Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 3B. Načini razsežnosti --- izpeljanega pristopa. Lekcija 4A. Več Vertical Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 4B. Dva načina, Tunes. Kuščar 4 Josh. Čokolada Tuna enchiladas. Lekcija 5A. Več Vertical Chord Tehtnice. Lekcija 5B. Dva Modal. Diatonične Tunes. Modelicious. Blue Tofu. CODA --- Mešano predlogov in glasbenih konceptov. Kako Jazz Works. Tehnika. Osnovni Levi in ​​desni strani Tehnika. Drža. Osnovni Drndanje tehnika. Fingerstyle akordi. Pick in Fingers Technique. Praksa. Vrednost Vadba Počasi. Učni Težkih Chords in Spreminjanje Akordi. Učenje Lestvice dveh nizov naenkrat. Vrednost zapornimi položaji. Vadba večjih Tehtnice. Omejevanje ritmično Možnosti. Uporaba melodičnih vzorcev. Soliranje. Obrazec. Uporaba odprtino, telo, in sklenitvi. Tvorijo Glede na motiv in variacije. Uporaba Ponovitev v tvojih solaže. Tag Ending. Spremna beseda.
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