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Ensemble Music For Church and School. Horn sheet music.


Ansambel glasba za cerkev in šolo. Horn note.


Ensemble Music For Church and School. Book 5 - F Horn. Arranged by Wesley Hanson. For F Horn. This edition. Complete. Collection. Flexible Ensembles Series. Sacred, General. Grade 3. Partbook. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.643. From the Foreword. Recent years have seen much increase in the activities of small and medium sized instrumental ensembles in schools at all grade levels, generally as an adjunct of band and orchestral programs. Many churches and Sunday Schools also use ensembles of various types in programs and services. Such groups are looking for playable music that is also interesting and worthwhile. This collection contains settings of sacred hymns and songs, and other selections, all of which should be usable in the church and the school. The hymn and song treatments are not just instrumentations of standard hymnal type, but are complete arrangements, using such devices as introductions, "bridges," reharmonizations in present day idioms, rhythmic variety, countermelodies, etc. All selections have been scored for a six. or five. part brass ensemble with the following part books available. preferred instruments are listed before the parenthetical substitution possibilities. Part 1. C Instruments. Violin, Oboe, Flute. 1st Bb Trumpet or Cornet. Bb Clarinet. Part 2. 2nd Bb Trumpet or Cornet. Bb Clarinet. Part 3. 3rd Bb Trumpet or Cornet. Bb Clarinet. F Horn. English Horn. Eb Horn. Alto Saxophone, Eb Alto Clarinet. Part 4. Baritone treble clef. Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet. Trombone. Baritone bass clef, Bassoon, Cello. Part 5. Baritone bass clef. Trombone, Bassoon, Cello. Part 6. Tuba or Sousaphone. Bassoon or Cello with occasional lower range limits, String Bass 8vb. While hoping to keep the selections interesting and worthwhile for experienced players, they have generally been restricted to a medium level of difficulty. or Grade III as defined by the Instrumentalist Magazine. Extremes of range and key signature have been avoided, lead parts have ample time to rest and "catch their breath" and technical demands are usually modest. Selections which could have been expanded to larger proportions. such as "A Mighty Fortress". have been held to a modest length, in order to give younger musicians a better chance to play them successfully. Footnotes in the conductor's score indicate how the longer medleys can be abbreviated, if that is desirable. A Christmas Package. A Mighty Fortress. Adoramus Te. An American's Pride. Come, Thou Almighty King. Holy, Holy, Holy. I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Ivory Palaces. March Pontifical. Music for Easter. Now Thank We All Our God. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. O Mighty God. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty. Prayer. Thanksgiving. The Heavens Are Telling. Three Spirituals. Trumpet Tune. Trumpet Voluntary. Under His Wings. When Morning Gilds the Skies.


Ansambel glasba za cerkev in šolo. Book 5 - F Horn. Urejen Wesley Hanson. Za F rogu. Ta izdaja. Complete. Zbiranje. Prilagodljiv Ansambli Series. Sveto, General. Razred 3. Partbook. Izdala Hope Publishing. HP.643. Iz predgovora. V zadnjih letih smo videli veliko povečanje dejavnosti malih in srednje velikih instrumentalnih zasedb v šolah na vseh ravneh razred, v glavnem kot dodatek pasu in orkestralnih programov. Številne cerkve in nedelja Šole uporabite tudi zasedbe različnih vrst v programe in storitve. Take skupine iščejo predvajati glasbo, ki je prav tako zanimivo in koristno. Ta zbirka vsebuje nastavitve svetih hvalnic in pesmi, in drugih selekcij, bi morali vsi, ki se lahko uporabijo v cerkev in šolo. Himna in pesem zdravljenja niso le instrumentations standardne pesmarica tipa, vendar so celotne ureditve, ki uporabljajo take naprave, kot uvod, "mostovi," reharmonizations v današnjih govorih, ritmično sorte, countermelodies itd. Vsi izbori so bili dosegel za šest. ali pet. del Pihalni orkester z naslednjimi del knjige, ki so na voljo. Prednostni instrumenti so našteti pred oklepaji možnosti zamenjave. 1. del. Instrumenti C. Violina, oboa, flavta. 1. Bb trobento ali kornet. Bb klarinet. 2. del. 2. Bb trobento ali kornet. Bb klarinet. 3. del. 3. Bb trobento ali kornet. Bb klarinet. F Horn. Angleški rog. Eb Horn. Altovski saksofon, klarinet Eb Alto. 4. del. Bariton treble clef. Tenor saksofon, bas klarinet. Pozavna. Bariton bass clef, fagot, violončelo. 5. del. Bariton bass clef. Pozavna, fagot, violončelo. Del 6. Tuba ali Sousaphone. Fagot in violončelo z občasnimi spodnjih meja razpona, String Bass 8vb. Medtem ko se v upanju, da bo izbore zanimivo in koristno za izkušene igralce, so bili na splošno omejene na srednji ravni zahtevnosti. ali razred III, kot je opredeljeno v instrumentalista Magazine. Se lahko izognili Ekstremna območju in ključnih podpis, glavni deli imajo dovolj časa za počitek in "ujeti dih« in tehnične zahteve so običajno skromen. Selekcije, ki bi se lahko razširili na večje razsežnosti. kot "A Mighty Fortress". so potekala na skromno dolžino, da bi dal mlajši glasbeniki boljše možnosti, da jih uspešno igranje. Opombe v rezultat dirigenta kažejo, kako se daljša medleys lahko okrajšano, če je to zaželeno. Božični paket. Mighty Fortress. Adoramus Te. An American Pride. Daj no, ti vsemogočni kralju. Holy, Holy, Holy. I Sing mogočne moči Boga. Slonovine Palače. Marec Papeške. Glasba za velikonočni. Zdaj Hvala bogu, smo vse. O Bog, Naša Pomoč V veku preteklosti. O Mighty Bog. Nadaljnja, Christian Soldiers. Praise Ye Gospod, Vsemogočni. Molitev. Zahvalni dan. Nebesa pripovedujejo. Tri duhovnih. Trumpet Tune. Trobenta Prostovoljno. Pod njegovim Wings. Ko Morning Gilds nebo.
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