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Standard Ballads - Men's Edition. Various. Voice Solo sheet music.


Standard Ballads - Men's Edition. Various. Voice Solo note.


Standard Ballads - Men's Edition composed by Various. For Vocal, Vocal Solo. Vocal Collection. Softcover with CD. 72 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.740089. ISBN 0793583497. 9x12 inches. These books feature fantastic American standards in new arrangements designed to flatter any singer, with interesting harmonies and accompaniments. The arrangements are in the spirit of the performance tradition of great standards established by singers such as Tony Bennett, Rosemary Clooney, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Peggy Lee. Keys have been carefully chosen and will be comfortable for most voices. The books contain arrangements for voice and piano accompaniments, and a section of “fake book”-style editions of the arrangements convenient for performing. The companion CD includes wonderful performances of each song by a singer backed by piano, bass and drums, as well as trio accompaniment tracks only for practice or performance. Songs. All the Things You Are. Autumn Leaves. Call Me Irresponsible. East of the Sun. And West of the Moon. I Left My Heart in San Francisco. I'll Be Seeing You. In a Sentimental Mood. Isn't It Romantic. The Very Thought of You. The Way You Look Tonight. All The Things You Are. Autumn Leaves. Call Me Irresponsible. EAST OF THE SUN. AND WEST OF THE MOON. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. I'll Be Seeing You. In A Sentimental Mood. Isn't It Romantic. The Very Thought of You. The Way You Look Tonight.


Standard Ballads - Men's Edition composed by Various. Za vokalom, vokal Solo. Vokalna Collection. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. 72 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.740089. ISBN 0793583497. 9x12 cm. Te knjige značilnost fantastične ameriških standardov v novih dogovorov za laskati koli pevka, z zanimivimi harmonij in spremljavo. Dogovori so v duhu tradicije uspešnosti velikih standardi, ki jih pevci, kot so Tony Bennett, Rosemary Clooney, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole in Peggy Lee. Tipke so skrbno izbrani in bo udobno za večino glasov. Knjige vsebujejo dogovore za glas in klavir spremljav in del "lažen knjige" -style izdaj ureditev primerna za opravljanje. Spremljevalec CD vključuje čudovite nastope vsako pesem pevka, ki jih podpira klavir, bas in bobni, kakor tudi trio spremljavo skladbe samo za prakso ali izvedbe. Pesmi. Vse stvari, ki jih. Autumn Leaves. Call Me Neodgovorno. Vzhodno od Sonca. In West of the Moon. I Left My Heart, v San Franciscu. Jaz se bova. V Sentimental Mood. Ali ni romantično. Very Thought of You. Way You Look Tonight. Vse stvari, ki jih. Autumn Leaves. Call Me Neodgovorno. Vzhodno od SONCA. In zahodno od LUNI. I Left My Heart V San Franciscu. Jaz se bova. V sentimentalno razpoloženje. Ali ni romantično. Very Thought of You. Way You Look Tonight.
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