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Concerto for Horn and Band. Serge Lancen. Horn sheet music. Grade 5.Prevod
Koncert za rog in Band. Serge Lancen. Horn note. Stopnje 5.Originalno
Concerto for Horn and Band composed by Serge Lancen. For concert band. French Horn Solo and Band. Solo Concerts. Molenaar Masterpieces. Recorded on Solistes. ML.311040720. Grade 5. Score only. Duration 14 minutes, 20 seconds. Published by Molenaar Edition. ML.012127090-S. This Concerto pour Cor was composed during the winter 1990. 91. It is dedicated to the fine horn player Matthias Berg, who created it with the ad hoc symphonic band of a conductor's seminar at the Trossingen Music Academy. Germany. , conducted by his father Hans Walter Berg, the director of the Academy, in august 1991. The version with piano was created by FranAois Cagnon, horn player at the Paris Opera, and the composer, in Paris in 1993. In order to preserve the solo character of the horn, the composer omitted all horns in the band.Prevod
Koncert za rog in Band sestavljajo Serge Lancen. Za koncert pasu. Francoski rog Solo in Band. Solo Koncerti. Molenaar Mojstrovine. Posneta na Solistes. ML.311040720. Stopnje 5. Rezultat le. Trajanje 14 minut, 20 sekund. Izdala zgoraj navedene sodbe Molenaar Edition. ML.012127090-S. Ta Concerto pour Cor je bila sestavljena pozimi 1990. 91. To je posvečen v redu hornist Matthias Berg, ki jo je ustvaril z ad hoc simfoničnega pasu seminar vodih na Akademiji za glasbo Trossingen. Nemčija. , Ki ga je njegov oče Hans Walter Berg, direktor akademije, ki poteka avgusta 1991. Različica s klavirjem je bila ustvarjena z FranAois Cagnon, hornist na pariški operi, in skladatelj, v Parizu leta 1993. Da bi ohranili solo značaj rog, skladatelj izpusti vse rogove v pasu.Največkrat iskano