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Forrest Gump. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.
Forrest Gump. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Forrest Gump by Various. For Guitar, Piano. Keyboard, Vocal. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. 128 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.312515. ISBN 079353786X. 9x12 inches. This hit movie is a capsule of America's pop culture, and its soundtrack paints the picture of the times. Matching folio with 32 classic rock hits, including. Against the Wind. California Dreamin'. For What It's Worth. Aquarius. Let the Sunshine In. Mrs. Robinson. What the World Needs Now. and more, including the original “Forrest Gump Suite. ” Also features photos from the film. I've Got To Use My Imagination. Mr. President. Have Pity On The Working Man. Forrest Gump Suite. Stoned Love. Against The Wind. Volunteers. Sloop John B. Aquarius. Blowin' In The Wind. Break On Through To The Other Side. But I Do. I Don't Know Why. California Dreamin'. Everybody's Talkin'. Echoes. For What It's Worth. Hound Dog. I Can't Help Myself. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. It Keeps You Runnin'. Joy To The World. Land Of A Thousand Dances. Mrs. Robinson. On The Road Again. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. Rebel 'Rouser. San Francisco. Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair. Sweet Home Alabama. Turn. Turn. Turn. To Everything There Is a Season. Walk Right In. What The World Needs Now Is Love. Fortunate Son. Respect. Let The Sunshine In. Let's Get Together. Get Together. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35.
Forrest Gump, ki Various. Za kitara, klavir. Tipkovnica, Vocal. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara Songbook. 128 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.312515. ISBN 079353786X. 9x12 inches. To hit film je kapsula ameriške pop kulture, in njegov soundtrack naslika sliko časov. Ujemanje Folio s 32 klasičnih rock uspešnice, vključno z. Against the Wind. California Dreamin '. Za kaj je vredno. Vodnar. Naj soncu v. Mrs Robinson. Kaj svet potrebuje zdaj. in še več, tudi originalni "Forrest Gump Suite. Prav tako vključuje fotografije iz filma. Moram Use My Imagination. Gospod predsednik. Have Pity On The Working Man. Forrest Gump Suite. Stoned Ljubezen. Proti vetru. Prostovoljci. Sloop John B. Vodnar. Blowin 'In The Wind. Break On Through To The Other Side. But I Do. Jaz ne vem, zakaj. California Dreamin '. Vsi so Talkin '. Odmevi. Za kaj je vredno. Hound Dog. Ne morem pomagati, Sebe. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. To skrbi, da ste Runnin '. Veselje v svet. Land Of A Thousand Dances. Mrs Robinson. Na cesto. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'On My Head. Rebel "Rouser. San Francisco. Bodite prepričani, da nosijo rože v laseh. Sweet Home Alabama. Turn. Turn. Turn. Za vse, kar je sezona. Hoditi prav v. Kaj svet potrebuje zdaj je ljubezen. Fortunate Son. Spoštovanje. Naj soncu v. Pojdimo skupaj. Get Together. Дождливый день Женщины.