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Lieder und Gesange fur Solostimmen op. 107 u. Robert Schumann.Prevod
Pesmi in pesmi za solo glasove op. 107 u. Robert Schumann.Originalno
Lieder und Gesange fur Solostimmen op. 107 u. composed by Robert Schumann. Edited by Kazuko Ozawa. Matthias Wendt. This edition. RSA 1043-10. Cloth-cover. Complete edition. Complete Editions. Robert Schumann - New Edition of Complete Works Band 6,1. Score and critical commentary. 404 pages. Published by Schott Music. SD.49017857. ISBN 9790001157018. The New Robert Schumann Edition. RSA. is intended as a historico-critical edition of the collected works. They will be carefully studied and prepared according to present-day musicological and editorial techniques and presented in their entirety. Drafts, sketches and fragments, in short, everything that has come down to us as being authentically by Schumann and which, in most cases, has been deliberately preserved by him, will be brought together, evaluated as to its importance and documented in some form or other in the edition of the complete works. It is the aim of the edition to reproduce authentic texts which - having corrected scribal, copying and printing errors and eradicated later additions and other textual corruptions - will approach as closely as is possible the intention of the originals. The critical edition will form the basis of accurate performance material for Robert Schumann's work. Die Lieder Mignon's, des Harfners und Philinen's op. 98a. Sieben Lieder by Elisabeth Kulmann in Memory of the Poetess op. 104. Sechs Gesange op. 107. Vier Husarenlieder by Nicolaus Lenau op. 117. Drei Gedichte aus den Waldliedern by Gustav Pfarrius op. 119. Funf heitere Gesange op. 125. Lieder und Gesange op. 127 and 127 Appendix. Gedichte der Konigin Maria Stuart op. 135. Vier Gesange op. 142. Soldatenlied WoO 6. Two Lenau-Lieder, Appendix M11. Declamation with Pianoforte Accompaniment. Schon Hedwig op. 106. Ballade vom Haideknaben op. 122. Die Fluchtlinge op. 122.Prevod
Pesmi in pesmi za solo glasove op. 107 u. v sestavi Robert Schumann. Uredil Kazuko Ozawa. Matthias Wendt. Ta izdaja. RSA 1043-10. Krpo-pokrov. Popolna izdaja. Popolne Editions. Robert Schumann - New Edition of Complete Works Band 6,1. Ocena in kritično Komentar. 404 strani. Izdala Schott Music. SD.49017857. ISBN 9790001157018. New Robert Schumann Edition. RSA. Zasnovana je kot Historico-kritično izdajo zbranih delih. Bodo skrbno preučevali in pripravljena v skladu s sedanjim dan muzikoloških in redakcijskih tehnik in predstavljena v celoti. Osnutki, skice in fragmenti, skratka, vse, kar je prišel k nam kot avtentično jih Schumanna in ki so v večini primerov, je bil namenoma ohranjen z njim, se bodo zbrali, ocenili kot njenega pomena in dokumentirana v neki obliki ali drugi v različico popolnih del. To je cilj različico za reprodukcijo avtentičnih besedil, ki - po popravljenih scribal, kopiranje in tiskanje napak in uničiti, kasneje dopolnila in druge besedilne okvarjenih - bo pristop tesno je mogoče namen originalov. Kritična izdaja bo osnova za natančno izvedbo materiala za delo Roberta Schumanna je. Die Lieder Mignon's, des Harfners und Philinen's op. 98a. Sieben Lieder by Elisabeth Kulmann in Memory of the Poetess op. 104. Sechs Gesange op. 107. Vier Husarenlieder by Nicolaus Lenau op. 117. Drei Gedichte aus den Waldliedern by Gustav Pfarrius op. 119. Funf heitere Gesange op. 125. Lieder und Gesange op. 127 and 127 Appendix. Gedichte der Konigin Maria Stuart op. 135. Vier Gesange op. 142. Soldatenlied WoO 6. Two Lenau-Lieder, Appendix M11. Declamation with Pianoforte Accompaniment. Schon Hedwig op. 106. Ballade vom Haideknaben op. 122. Die Fluchtlinge op. 122.Največkrat iskano
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