Partiture $1.75
Enthroned. Anthem. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate.
Ustoličil. Anthem. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Vmesna.
Enthroned. Anthem. composed by Phil Mehrens & Marty Funderburk. Arranged by Dave Williamson. For SATB choir and piano. Anthems. Adult Choral Anthem for Worship. Contemporary and Sacred. Moderate. Octavo. Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. LP.9780834181670. ISBN 9780834181670. Contemporary and Sacred. A beautiful reminder that we do not need to wait to worship since Jesus is enthroned in our hearts. Accessible part-writing for most choirs. Instrumentation. Opt. Flute.
Ustoličil. Anthem. ki ga sestavljajo Phil Mehrens. Uredil Dave Williamson. Za SATB zbor in klavir. Himne. Zborovska odraslih himna čaščenja. Sodobna in Sacred. Zmerna. Osma. Izdala Lillenas Publishing. LP.9780834181670. ISBN 9780834181670. Sodobna in Sacred. A beautiful reminder that we do not need to wait to worship since Jesus is enthroned in our hearts. Accessible part-writing for most choirs. Instrumentation. Opt. Flavta.