
Partiture $7.00


March from Suite No. 1. score only. Gustav Holst.


Pohod iz Suite št 1. dosegla le. Gustav Holst.


March from Suite No. 1. score only. composed by Gustav Holst. 1874-1934. Arranged by Deborah Baker Monday. Orchestra. For String Orchestra. String Orchestra. Highland String Orchestra. 20th Century. Masterwork Arrangement. Romantic. grade 3. Score. 16 pages. Published by Highland. Etling. AP.31596S. This lively march comes to us from one of Holst's most popular works, the First Suite in E flat for Military Band written in 1909. Two contrasting themes-a crisp, marcato in D and a lyrical, legato theme in G-thrill listeners. The powerful finale of the march, back in D, uses both melodies layered on top of one another. The lyrical section features the cellos and violas and all parts are interesting.


Pohod iz Suite št 1. dosegla le. sestavljajo Gustava Holsta. 1874-1934. Uredil Deborah Baker ponedeljek. Orkester. Za godalni orkester. Godalni orkester. Highland godalni orkester. 20th Century. Mojstrovina Dogovor. Romantična. 3. stopnje. Ocena. 16 strani. Izdala Highland. Etling. AP.31596S. This lively march comes to us from one of Holst's most popular works, the First Suite in E flat for Military Band written in 1909. Two contrasting themes-a crisp, marcato in D and a lyrical, legato theme in G-thrill listeners. Močan finale pohoda, nazaj v D, uporablja obe melodije večplastna na vrhu med seboj. Lirična oddelek ima na Cellos in viole in vsi deli so zanimivi.
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