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The River. Greg Gilpin. Choir sheet music.


River. Greg Gilpin. Zbor note.


The River arranged by Greg Gilpin. Choir Sacred. SATB choir. Choral. Sacred. Choral Octavo. Worship Resources. All Saints Day. Fall. Funeral. Holy Week. Lent. Sacred. Spiritual. Spring. Grade 3. Choral Octavo. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.19887. A flowing pairing of two American spirituals, Shall We Gather at the River. and Deep River. The piano accompaniment is not difficult, yet is beautifully sensitive. Straightforward part writing with a solo for low voice. male or female. Use throughout the church year, especially All Saints', Lent, funeral and memorial services.


River urejen Greg Gilpin. Zbor Sacred. SATB zbor. Zborovska. Sacred. Zborovska octavo. Bogoslužna Viri. Dan spomina na mrtve. Fall. Funeral. Sveti teden. Lent. Sacred. Duhovna. Pomlad. Razred 3. Zborovska octavo. 8 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.19887. Teče združevanje dveh ameriških spiritualov se bomo zjutraj zbrali na reki. in Deep River. Klavirska spremljava ni težko, vendar je lepo občutljiva. Enostavna igra pisanje s solo za tihim glasom. moški ali ženska. Na celotnem cerkvenem letu, predvsem vsi sveti, Lent, pogreb in spominska storitve.
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