Partiture $7.88
Sheila Wilson. The Nativity Party. Bring Your Own Lamb. - Wordbook. Script. Voice. VCE.Prevod
Sheila Wilson. Nativity Party. Bring Your Own Lamb. - Lexikón. Script. Voice. VCE.Originalno
Pre-School & easy KS1. Duration. approx 15 mins. The Nativity Party. is a fun Christmas celebration which young children will love. Its six songs are catchy and cool, it has plenty of the 'ahh' factor, the short optional play is easy and can be read by a helper if you prefer, and to add to the fun there are plenty of actions like jumping, twisting and clapping, and some party games to round it all off. Songs include 'A Very Special Mum', 'A Big New Star' and 'An Extra one, two, three. If you use the lovely backing tracks, there's even an 'air guitar' break. The Nativity Party. is suitable for any number of children. They'll pick up the catchy songs in a flash. They can dress up as their favourite characters, bring their own lambs, and will love all the actions. And they'll definitely want to join in with the Christmas Hokey-Kokey. Wordbook. Simple play, song actions, 'staging' suggestions, and party games.Prevod
Pre-School. približno 15 minut. Nativity Party. je zabavno božično praznovanje, ki bo mladi otroci radi. Njegove pesmi so šest spevnih in kul, da ima veliko za "Ah" dejavnik, neobvezno play kratko je enostavno in se lahko bere s pomočnik, če vam je ljubše, da dodate na zabavo obstaja veliko ukrepov, kot so skoki, sukanje in ploskati in nekatere družabne igre za vse zaokrožili. Pesmi vključujejo "zelo posebna mama", "Big New Star" in "Extra ena, dva, tri. Če uporabljate lep podloga skladbe, tam je tudi odmor "air guitar". Nativity Party. Primeren je za vsako število otrok. Te bomo pick up spevnih pesmi v flash. Ti lahko obleko gor svoje najljubše znakov, s seboj prinesti jagnjeta in bo ljubezen vse ukrepe. In jih bomo zagotovo želeli, da se pridružijo z božično Hokus-Kokey. Lexikón. Simple play, song actions, 'staging' suggestions, and party games.Največkrat iskano