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Peter Maxwell Davies. Eight Songs For A Mad King. Vocal Score. Sheet Music. Male Voice, Piano Accompaniment. VCE. PFA. Peter Maxwell Davies.


Peter Maxwell Davies. Osem Songs For A Mad King. Vocal Score. Sheet Music. Male Voice, Piano Accompaniment. VCE. PFA. Peter Maxwell Davies.


The poems which form the basis of this work were inspired by a miniature mechanical organ playing eight tunes, once the property of George III. A scrap of paper sold with it explains that 'This Organ was George the Third for Birds to sing'. Peter Maxwell Davies then set these poems to music and devised them as a semi-theatrical work for Male Vocalist, Piano, Violin, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, and Percussion. The songs are to be understood as the King's monologue while listening to his birds perform, and incorporate some sentences actually spoken by George III.. The resulting work, Eight Songs for a Mad King, was completed in 1969 and stands as one of the most distinctive, and arguably one of the most disturbing musical works from the twentieth century. This is the vocal score which includes a Piano accompaniment.


Pesmi, ki so podlaga za to delo je navdihnila miniaturni mehanske orgle igral osem skladb, ko premoženja George III. Ostanki papirja, ki se prodaja z njo pojasnjuje, da "je to orgle George Tretjič, za ptice, da pojejo". Peter Maxwell Davies nastavite te pesmi v glasbi in jih oblikovati kot semi-gledališko delo za moškega vokalista, klavir, violino, violončelo, flavto, klarinet in tolkala. Pesmi je treba razumeti kot Kraljevi monolog med poslušanjem njegovih ptic opraviti, in vključi nekaj stavkov, ki jih George III pravzaprav govorijo.. Nastalo delo, osem pesmi za Nori kralj, je bila končana leta 1969 in stoji kot ena od najbolj razlikovalen, in nedvomno eden izmed najbolj motečih glasbenih del iz dvajsetega stoletja. This is the vocal score which includes a Piano accompaniment.
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