Partiture $28.34
Max Raabe. Für Frauen Ist Das Kein Problem Liederbuch. Sheet Music. Piano, Vocal & Guitar. PVG. Max Raabe. --.
Max Raabe. Za ženske ni problem Songbook. Sheet Music. Piano, Vocal. PVG. Max Raabe. --.
The Berlin based singer Max Raabe gained world-wide attention with his Palast Orchestra and his 21st century lounge music version of the sounds of the ‘20s and ‘30s. His current album Für Frauen ist das kein Problem is the second wonderful result of his collaboration with the famous composer and producer Annette Humpe. The songbook contains all 13 songs arranged for PVG..
Berlin temelji pevec Max Raabe dobil svetovno pozornost s svojo Palast orkester in njegov 21. stoletja lounge glasbe različico zvoki "20-ih in 30-ih". His current album Für Frauen ist das kein Problem is the second wonderful result of his collaboration with the famous composer and producer Annette Humpe. The songbook contains all 13 songs arranged for PVG..