
Partiture $28.81


Johann Sebastian Bach. Complete Organ Works - Volume 6. Breitkopf Urtext. Book. CD-Rom. Sheet Music, CD-Rom. Orgel. ORG. J.S. Bach.


Johann Sebastian Bach. Celoten organ dela - zvezek 6. Breitkopf Urtext. Knjiga. CD-Rom. Sheet Music, CD-Rom. Orgle. ORG. J.S. Bach.


Breitkopf Urtext edition of Johann Sebastian Bach 's Complete Organ Works. Music text faithful to the sources and reflecting the current status of Bach research. Developed for musical practice through the cooperation of scholars and performers. Contains all of Bach 's Keyboard works that require an independent pedal manual. Contains all authentic early versions and fragmentarily transmitted or dubious works that can be attributed to Bach with a fair amount of certainty. Features comprehensive introductions, extensive source descriptions and text-critical notes. Features supplementary material illustrated synoptically on CD-ROM. in printable quality. Brochure, in large format. 32 x 25 cm. and compact music engraving, clear, easy to read, with convenient page turns. With repertoire works, musicians often have the choice between editions conceived for practical music-making and others that are more scholarly in concept. This also applies to the Organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach , which are available today in various editions. Among them is that of Heinz Lohmann, which Breitkopf & Härtel began publishing in 1967 and whose concept strove for an amalgamation of practice and Urtext. Current Urtext status, historically informed, edited with performers in mind. More than 40 years later, the demands made on a new Urtext edition of Bach 's Organ works are as stringent as ever before. Next to the results of scholarly research on Bach and the sources, aspects of a historically informed performance practice are increasingly claiming our attention today. Also important for study, teaching and concert performance are, in addition to the above-mentioned demands, such external criteria as format, paper, convenient page turns and an easily legible layout that helps the user quickly grasp the musical context. The new edition, beginning in 2010, also contains all Keyboard works with pedal and the "dubious works" that are hardly dubious anymore. This edition of Johann Sebastian Bach 's Organ works wants to do justice to these demands. Next to the core contents of the repertoire, it also features all of the master's "clavier" works which require an independent pedal. Moreover, it includes all authentic early versions as well as the fragmentarily transmitted works. As to the dubious works, it contains those which can be attributed to Bach today with considerable certainty. It offers incerta, early, and alternative versions on CD-ROM.. In this work group, the new edition uses for the first time the modern forms of editorial technique with which the synoptical depiction of various versions is made possible on CD-ROM. Thanks to the collaboration with the EDIROM project, which is a leader in the field of digital scientific editorial technique, the edition offers new types of solutions. Incerta, early, and alternative versions that cannot be included in the printed volumes for reasons of size or problems of authenticity, are published on CD-ROM, supplied with comments, and depicted synoptically. Thus, after comparing the versions, the player can decide upon a different version than the one printed in the volume, and can make a high-quality print-out of it. The texts and comments customary to the "Breitkopf Urtext" editions comprehensive introductions, extensive source descriptions and text-critical observations can be found in the printed version of the volumes. Edited by a competent team. With Werner Breig. Erlangen. , Pieter Dirksen. Culemborg. Netherlands. and Reinmar Emans. Bochum. , a. we have brought together a team that guarantees the highest expertise in various domains. Further Bach experts such as Sven Hiemke. Hamburg. , David Schulenberg. Boston. and Jean-Claude Zehnder. Basel. were also enlisted for the edition of single volumes.


Breitkopf Urtext izdaja Johann Sebastian Bach je celoten organ Works. Glasba besedilo zvesti virov in odraža trenutno stanje Bachove raziskave. Razvit za glasbeno prakso skozi sodelovanje znanstvenikov in izvajalcev. Vsebuje vse od Bachovih Keyboard del, ki zahtevajo samostojno pedala priročnik. Vsebuje vse pristne zgodnje različice fragmentarno prenašajo ali dvomljive del, ki jih je mogoče pripisati Bacha s pošteno količino gotovostjo. Značilnosti celovite vnose, obsežne opise vir in besedilnih kritične opombe. Značilnosti dodatnega materiala prikazano synoptically na CD-ROM-u. v tiskate kakovosti. Brošuro, v velikem formatu. 32 x 25 cm. in kompakten glasbeni graviranje, jasen, enostaven za branje, s priročno strani zavojev. Z repertoar dela, glasbeniki imajo pogosto na voljo izbiro med izdajami zasnovanih za praktično glasbeno odločitev in drugih, ki so bolj akademska v konceptu. To velja tudi za gradnje, orgle Johanna Sebastiana Bacha, ki so danes na voljo v različnih izdajah. Med njimi je, da je Heinz Lohmann, katera Breitkopfa. Trenutno stanje Urtext zgodovinsko obveščeni, uredil z izvajalcem v mislih. Več kot 40 let kasneje, so zahteve, ki na novo Urtext izdaje Bachovih orgelskih del so tako strogi, kot kdajkoli prej. Zraven rezultatov znanstvenega raziskovanja na Bacha in virov, vidiki zgodovinsko utemeljeno izvajalski praksi se vse bolj uveljavlja našo pozornost danes. Pomembno tudi za so študij, poučevanje in koncertno izvedbo, poleg zgoraj navedenih zahtev, so zunanji merila kot format, papir, priročno strani zavojev in lahko berljiv postavitve, ki pomaga uporabniku hitro dojeti glasbeni kontekst. Nova izdaja, ki se začne v letu 2010, vsebuje tudi vsa dela na tipkovnici s pedalom in "dvomljive dela", ki so komaj dvomljive več. Ta izdaja Johann Sebastian Bachovih orgelskih del želi dati priznanje, da te zahteve. Poleg temeljnih vsebin repertoarja, pa ima tudi vse magistrskega "Clavier" dela, ki zahtevajo samostojno pedal. Poleg tega vsebuje vse pristne zgodnje različice, kot tudi fragmentarno prenašajo del. Kot je na dvomljivih del, vsebuje tistih, ki se danes lahko pripišemo Bacha s precejšnjo gotovostjo. Ponuja incerta, zgodnje in alternativne različice na CD-ju.. V tej delovni skupini, nova izdaja uporablja prvič sodobne oblike uredniško tehnike, s katerimi se synoptical upodobitev različnih izvedbah, ki mogoče na CD-ju. Zahvaljujoč sodelovanju s projektom EDIROM, ki je vodilno podjetje na področju digitalnih znanstvenih uredniškega tehniko, izdaja ponuja nove vrste rešitev. Incerta, zgodnje in alternativne različice, ki jih ni mogoče zajeti v tiskanih glasnostih zaradi velikosti ali problemih pristnosti, so objavljeni na CD-ju, ki jo dobite s pripombami in upodobljen synoptically. Tako je po primerjavi različice, lahko igralec odloči za drugačno različico, kot je tista tiskani obsega in lahko kakovostno izpisa njo. Besedila in komentarji običajne na "Breitkopf Urtext" izdajah celovitih uvodnika, ekstenzivni popisi vir in besedilo-kritične pripombe lahko najdete v tiskani različici prostornin. Uredil ga je izdal pristojni ekipe. Werner Breig. Gain. Pieter Dirksen. Culemborg. Nizozemska. in Reinmar Emans. Bochum. , a. smo zbrali ekipo, ki zagotavlja najvišjo strokovno znanje na različnih področjih. Nadaljnje strokovnjaki Bach, kot so Sven Hiemke. Hamburg. David Schulenberg. Boston. Jean-Claude Zehnder. Basel. so bili vpisani tudi za izdajo posameznih volumnov.