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Frank Bridge. Adagio In E For Organ. Sheet Music. Organ. ORG. Frank Bridge.


Frank Bridge. Adagio V E Za orgle. Sheet Music. Orgle. ORG. Frank Bridge.


Bridge’s early works – those written before the first World War – were more late Romantic in style, warmly expansive, than his mature works. The Adagio is a four-Voice fugue of poetic expressiveness that makes full use of the instrument’s tonal resources. British composer Frank Bridge was active in the early decades of the 20th century and was a highly respected conductor, violist and teacher – his sole composition student having been Benjamin Britten. Britten honoured his former teacher in his work Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, based on a theme from one of Bridge’s pieces for String quartet.


Most je zgodnja dela - tiste, napisana pred prvo svetovno vojno - je bilo bolj pozno Romantic v stilu, toplo zgovorni, kot njegovih zrelih delih. The Adagio is a four-Voice fugue of poetic expressiveness that makes full use of the instrument’s tonal resources. Britanski skladatelj Frank Bridge je bil aktiven v prvih desetletjih 20. stoletja in je bil zelo cenjen dirigent, violist in učitelj - njegova edina sestava študent, ki je bil Benjamin Britten. Britten čast svojega nekdanjega učitelja pri njegovem delu Variacije na temo Frank Bridge, ki temelji na temo ene od kosov most za godalni kvartet.
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