
Partiture $7.88


Percy Turnbull. Piano Music Volume 8 Fantasy Suite. Sheet Music. Piano Solo. PF. Percy Turnbull.


Percy Turnbull. Piano Music zvezek 8 Fantasy Suite. Sheet Music. Piano Solo. PF. Percy Turnbull.


Percy Turnbull, born near Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1902, had his earliest musical training as a cathedral chorister. At the RCM in the 1920s Turnbull studied with Vaughan Williams, Holst and John Ireland. Turnbull was a highly accomplished pianist and spent much of his life earning his living as an accompanist, performer and teacher. His understandng of the instrument, and his extremely wide knowledge of the piano repertoire, led him to produce highly varied and colourful output. His interests were almost entirely for miniature forms. suites, preludes, studies, variations and character pieces. All of these pieces, be they athletically virtuoso or deftly simple, show a flair for the idiom and, perhaps more importantly, they lend an historically significant and stylistically interesting perspective to the literature of twentieth-century British piano music.


Percy Turnbull, rojen blizu Newcastle upon Tyne leta 1902, je imel svojo najstarejšo glasbeno izobrazbo kot katedrala chorister. Na RCM v letih 1920 Turnbull je študiral pri Vaughan Williams, Holst in John Irskem. Turnbull je bil zelo dosegli pianist in preživel velik del svojega življenja zaslužek je preživljal kot korepetitor, performer in učitelj. Njegov understandng instrumenta, in njegova široka poznavanje klavir repertoar, vodila ga proizvajajo zelo pestro in barvito izhod. Njegovi interesi so bili skoraj v celoti za miniaturne oblike. apartmajev, preludiji, študije, variacije in kosi znakov. Vse te kose, ki so lahko športno virtuoz ali spretno enostavna, kažejo voh za govorice in morda še bolj pomembno, da posojajo zgodovinsko pomemben in stilno zanimiv pogled na literaturo dvajsetega stoletja britanski klavirske glasbe.
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