
Partiture $11.21


D'Addario. EJ13 80. 20 Bronze Round Wound Custom Light 11-52 Acoustic Guitar String Set.


D'Addario. EJ13 80. 20 Bronze Okrogla rane po meri luč 11-52 Acoustic Guitar String Set.


D'Addario EJ13 80. 20 Bronze Custom Light 11-52 Acoustic Guitar Strings are a comfortable compromise for players who want the depth and projection of light gauge bottom strings, but slightly less tension on the high strings for easy bending. 80. 20 Bronze, commonly referred to as brass, is the original acoustic string alloy selected by John D'Addario Sr. and John D'Angelico in the 1930s. These strings are popular for recording, due to their crisp, deep and projecting tone, and appeal to many traditionalists and vintage enthusiasts for their historical significance. All D'Addario acoustic strings are wound on a hexagonally-shaped, high carbon steel core, resulting in long lasting, bright sounding tone with excellent intonation. Features. Custom gauging for balance of projecting tone and lighter plain strings for comfortable bending. Extra-bright tone mixed with deep and projecting bottom end. Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh. Made in the U.S.A. for the highest quality and performance. String Gauges. Plain Steel. 011,. 015, Bronze Wound. 022,. 032,. 042,. 052.


D'Addario EJ13 80. 20 Bronze Custom Light 11-52 Acoustic Guitar Strings are a comfortable compromise for players who want the depth and projection of light gauge bottom strings, but slightly less tension on the high strings for easy bending. 80. 20 Bronze, navadno iz medenine, je prvotni akustični niz zlitin Johna D'Addario Sr. in John D'Angelico izbran leta 1930. Ti nizi so priljubljena za snemanje, zaradi svoje čiste in globoke in projekcijski tonu, in se pritoži na mnogih tradicionalisti in vintage navdušence zaradi zgodovinskega pomena. Vse D'Addario akustične strune naviti na heksagonalno-oblikovan, visoko ogljikovega jekla jedro, ki izhajajo iz dolgotrajnega, svetlo zvenečega tona z odlično intonacijo. Lastnosti. Custom gauging for balance of projecting tone and lighter plain strings for comfortable bending. Izjemno svetel ton mešati z globokim in štrlečim spodnjem koncu. Okolju prijazna, odporne proti koroziji embalažo za godala, ki so vedno sveže. Izdelano v ZDA za najvišje kakovosti in zmogljivosti. Godalni merilniki. Plain Steel. 011,. 015, Bronze Wound. 022,. 032,. 042,. 052.
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