
Partiture $173.63


KRK Systems. KNS 8400 Headphones.


KRK Systems. KNS 8400 Slušalke.


KRK Headphones provide a precise listening experience that takes you from personal studio to commercial studio to on-the-go track evaluations - and they allow you to accurately enjoy your music with the consistent voicing philosophy and honest reproduction top producers, studio musicians, performers and engineers have come to trust. KRK headphones provide incredibly natural frequency response that gives you a reference standard unaffected by your location. Day or night. Studio or home. Without disturbing others. Without compromising your tracks. Passionate about music and interested in experiencing the artist's vision as it was intended to be heard. Then experience KRK.. Looking for a pair of headphones that are specifically designed to replicate music as it should be heard with the ability to satisfy experienced ears. Get your head around this. KRK has always been focused solely on accurate monitoring. The KNS 8400 -- with their ability to reveal exactly what you have on the tracks is an ideal choice for critical listening. Being able to discern the most subtle differences in pitch, timbre and tone helps you to get it right every mix, every take, every performance. Isolating memory foam in the ear cushions delivers improved low end response and because they gently conform to your unique head shape you'll be comfortable wearing them all day. Accurate, natural and wide frequency response Class leading KRK sound clarity, very low-distortion Precise Imaging and extended LF response High isolation for both noise rejection and leakage Detachable and replaceable locking cable Rotating ear cups for travel and storage Durable, impact resistant materials throughout Replaceable ear and head cushions Lightweight construction for use over long sessions Adjustable low-pressure headband system Ear and head cushions utilize advanced memory foam Self-aligning yoke system ensures the best possible fit. Voiced to remain true to the character of KRK's class leading studio monitors, developed with 25 years of years of experience in studio sound. The latest reference quality frequency response for closed-back, circum-aural dynamic headphones. Newly developed headphone acoustical system bringing a new level of headphone performance for the first time. Utilizing the latest in acoustic foam technology ensures class leading performance in both reproduction and isolation. A new standard in headphone comfort, even over extended periods of use, designed to avoid feeling uncomfortable during long sessions. The special foam conforms to the ear to help ensure an improved fit. Exceedingly accurate, natural and wide frequency response. Large dynamic range with extremely consistent low-distortion detail and clarity. Extended low frequency definition, ensures the bass component of your music is accurately reproduced, and is not lost. Transparent reproduction of high-frequencies, resulting in highly accurate imaging. High-efficiency Neodymium 40mm driver. High durability 2.5m single-sided straight cable with oxygen-free copper wires. Adjustable, foldable driver enclosures provide comfort and portability. Replaceable cable, head, and ear cushions to ensure long product life. Soft carrying case embossed with the KRK logo for travelling engineers, or storage when not in use. 4" jack plug can be unscrewed to reveal a 1. 8" plug for laptops and portable media players. Specifications System. Design. Dynamic Operating System. Closed-back Head Coupling. Circumaural. Isolating. Voice Coil. Copper-clad aluminum wire Driver Type. Low weight neodymium Driver Diameter. 40mm Sensitivity. Efficiency. 97 dB SPL @1mW Frequency Response. 5Hz-23 kHz Harmonic Distortion. Rated Impedance. 36 ohms Ambient Noise Isolation. up to 30 dBA Power Handling. 500mW per side as per IEC 60268-7. Earcup Rotation. 90 degrees Headband Pressure. 4 N. based on average head size. Headband Type. Adjustable. Spring steel skeleton Ear Cushion type. Acoustic memory foam Headpad Finish. Premium leatherette Headphone Finish. Black impact resistant plastic Volume Control. Detachable. Replaceable low profile inline HQ control Cable. 2.5 m,. 8.2 ft. , 99.99% OFC detachable Connector. Gold-plated stereo 1. 8". 3.5 mm. Cable Connection. Strain relief managed Adaptor. Screw-on 1. 4". 6.3 mm. Weight without Cable. 232 g. 0.51 lbs. Net. Shipping Weight. 850 g. 1.87 lbs. Dimensions. 245mm x 268mm x 94mm. 9.6" x 10.5" x 3.7".


KRK slušalke zagotavljajo natančno glasbeno doživetje, ki vas popelje iz osebnih studia za komercialni studio za on-the-go ocene skladb - in vam omogočajo, da natančno uživajte v glasbi z dosledno voicing filozofskem in pošten razmnoževanje vrhunskih proizvajalcev, studijskih glasbenikov, izvajalcev in Inženirji so prišli, da zaupate. KRK slušalke zagotavljajo izjemno naravno frekvenčni odziv, ki vam daje referenčni standard, brez vpliva lokacije. Dan ali noč. Studio ali domov. Ne da bi motili druge. Brez ogrožanja svoje skladbe. Strastno o glasbi in se zanimajo za doživljanje umetnikovo vizijo, kot je bilo predvideno, da bi slišali,. Potem pa pride do Krka.. Looking for a pair of headphones that are specifically designed to replicate music as it should be heard with the ability to satisfy experienced ears. Get your head around this. KRK has always been focused solely on accurate monitoring. The KNS 8400 -- with their ability to reveal exactly what you have on the tracks is an ideal choice for critical listening. Being able to discern the most subtle differences in pitch, timbre and tone helps you to get it right every mix, every take, every performance. Isolating memory foam in the ear cushions delivers improved low end response and because they gently conform to your unique head shape you'll be comfortable wearing them all day. Accurate, natural and wide frequency response Class leading KRK sound clarity, very low-distortion Precise Imaging and extended LF response High isolation for both noise rejection and leakage Detachable and replaceable locking cable Rotating ear cups for travel and storage Durable, impact resistant materials throughout Replaceable ear and head cushions Lightweight construction for use over long sessions Adjustable low-pressure headband system Ear and head cushions utilize advanced memory foam Self-aligning yoke system ensures the best possible fit. Izrazil, da ostane zvest značaja razreda vodilnih studijskih monitorjev Krk je razvil s 25 leti let izkušenj v studio zvok. Zadnji frekvenčni odziv referenca kakovosti za zaprto-back, izogibanje-slušna dinamične slušalke. Novo razvita za slušalke akustične sistem prinaša novo raven zmogljivosti za slušalke prvič. Uporaben najnovejšo akustično peno tehnologija zagotavlja vrhunske vodilno zmogljivost tako v reprodukciji in izolacijo. Novi standard v udobju slušalke, tudi za daljše obdobje uporabe, ki so namenjeni, da bi se izognili počuti neudobno v dolgih zasedanj. Posebna pena v skladu z uho, da bi zagotovili boljše prileganje. Izredno natančen, naraven in širok frekvenčni odziv. Velik dinamični razpon z izjemno dosledno podrobnosti nizka popačenja in jasnosti. Razširjena definicija nizke frekvence, zagotavlja komponenta bas glasbe je natančno reproducirajo, in se ne izgubi. Transparent reprodukcijo srednjih frekvenc, zaradi česar je zelo natančno slikanje. Visokim izkoristkom voznik neodima 40mm. Visoka vzdržljivost 2.5m enostranski naravnost kabel z brez kisika bakrenih žic. Nastavljivi, zložljivi ograjenih vozniku zagotavlja udobje in prenosljivost. Zamenljivi kabel, glava in ušesne blazinice, da zagotavljajo dolgo življenjsko dobo izdelka. Mehka torbica z vtisnjenim logotipom KRK za inženirje, ki potujejo ali shranjevanje, ko ni v uporabi. 4 "vtičem se lahko odvije, da razkrije 1. 8 "vtič za prenosne računalnike in prenosnih predvajalnikov. Specifications System. Oblikovanje. Dynamic Operating System. Closed-back Head Coupling. Circumaural. Izolacijo. Voice Coil. Copper-clad aluminum wire Driver Type. Low weight neodymium Driver Diameter. 40mm Sensitivity. Učinkovitost. 97 dB SPL @1mW Frequency Response. 5Hz-23 kHz Harmonic Distortion. Nazivna impedanca. 36 ohms Ambient Noise Isolation. up to 30 dBA Power Handling. 500mW na vsaki strani, kot na IEC 60268-7. Earcup Rotation. 90 degrees Headband Pressure. 4 N. na podlagi povprečne velikosti glave. Naglavni trak Type. Nastavljiva. Spring steel skeleton Ear Cushion type. Acoustic memory foam Headpad Finish. Premium leatherette Headphone Finish. Black impact resistant plastic Volume Control. Detachable. Replaceable low profile inline HQ control Cable. 2,5 m,. 8,2 ft. , 99.99% OFC detachable Connector. Pozlačen stereo 1. 8 ". 3,5 mm. Kabelska povezava. Strain relief managed Adaptor. Vijak na 1. 4 ". 6,3 mm. Teža brez kabla. 232 g. 0.51 lbs. Net. Teža pošiljke. 850 g. 1.87 lbs. Dimenzije. 245mm x 268mm x 94mm. 9.6 "x 10,5" x 3,7 ".
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