
Partiture $708.79


Yamaha. Pacifica 510 Electric Guitar. Sunburst.


Yamaha. Pacifica 510 električna kitara. Sunburst.


The look may be simple, but the unique specification of Pacifica 510 gives a wealth of tonal possibilities. The single pickup design sacrifices nothing in terms of versatility but gives your sound focus like no other guitar. Exclusive to Yamaha Guitars, the trembucker version of the revolutionary P-Rails pickups offers full humbucker tone in position 1, soapbar single coil in position 2 and regular single coil in position 3. Tinted, gloss-finished neck and aged mint-green pickguard are unmistakably custom-shop hot-rod cool. TUSQ XL is precision engineered to couple the strings vibrations to the neck and bring out hidden harmonics and richness in every note. 500 times more slippery than graphite, the Tefl on-impregnated material eliminates string-binging and ensures tuning stability,even with heavy tremolo use or massive string bends. Precision, pro-spec Grover locking machineheads lock strings automatically for stable tuning and ultra-fast string changes. Precision machined zinc saddles are matched with a hardened steel, knife-edge baseplate and zinc block for outstanding feel, stability and tone.


Pogled je lahko preprosto, vendar edinstveno specifikacija Pacifica 510 daje veliko tonalne možnosti. Enotni pickup oblikovanje žrtvovanja nič v zvezi z vsestranskostjo, vendar daje svoj zvok fokus, kot noben drug kitaro. Ekskluzivno za Yamaha Guitars, različica trembucker od revolucionarnih P-Rails pickups nudi popolno Humbucker ton v položaju 1, soapbar eno tuljavo v položaju 2 in rednega enotnega tuljava v položaju 3. Tonirana, sijaj dodelane vratu in starih mint zelena pickguard so nedvomno custom-shop hot-rod cool. TUSQ XL je natančnost inženirstva par strune tresljaje v vratu in bi iz skrite harmonike in bogastva v vsako noto. 500 krat bolj spolzke kot grafit, TEFL na impregniran material, odpravlja vrvico binging in zagotavlja stabilnost tuning, tudi za intenzivno uporabo tremolo ali masivnih godalnih ovinkih. Precision, pro-spec Grover zaklepanje machineheads zaklene strune samodejno stabilno tuning in ultra-hitrih sprememb niz. Precizno strojno cink sedeži so usklajene z kaljenega jekla, nož-rob osnovno ploščo in cink blok za izjemne počutiš, stabilnosti in tona.