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Balboa Park by Bruce Springsteen. - Digital Guitar Tab.


Balboa Park Bruce Springsteen. - Digital Guitar Tab.


Guitar Tab. Guitar. Vocal. Chords. Authentic Guitar TAB. Guitar TAB Transcription. Voice, range. E3-E4. Guitar or Acoustic Guitar. MN0061686. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Balboa Park. Bruce Springsteen. G Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. He lay his blanket underneath the freeway as the evening sky grew dark,. Song. Moderately. q 115. Country. Folk. Americana. Album Rock. Heartland Rock. Alternative Folk. 1996. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Bruce Springsteen - The Ghost of Tom Joad. Springsteen. Ghost of Tom Joad. View All.


Guitar Tab. Kitara. Vocal. Pesem. Authentic Guitar TAB. Guitar TAB Transkripcija. Glas, razpon. E3-E4. Kitara in akustična kitara. MN0061686. Vsebuje popolne lyrics. Združljivi. Balboa Park. Bruce Springsteen. G Major. Musicnotes kaj je to. Musicnotes datoteke. Takoj printable digitalni notno plus PC-združljiv interaktivni prenesete notno datotek. Ležal svojo odejo pod avtocesto, kot večer nebo rasla temno,. Song. Zmerno. q 115. Država. Folk. Americana. Album Rock. Heartland Rock. Alternative Folk. 1996. Alfred Publishing Co Inc. Bruce Springsteen - The Ghost Tom Joad. Springsteen. Ghost Tom Joad. Poglej vse.
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