
Partiture $2.37


Jenkyns. The Little Elf for Unison Voices and Piano. Sheet Music. Piano, Unison Voice. PF. UNIS. Peter Jenkyns.


Jenkyns. The Little Elf for Unison Voices and Piano. Sheet Music. Piano, Unison Voice. PF. DRŽAVE. Peter Jenkyns.


Jenkyns’s songs for children can best be described as art songs for the youngest singers. Their ranges and technical requirements are just right for the younger age groups and their lyrics – as in The Little Elf – are perfectly gauged for their performers. Peter Jenkyns was a 20th century British composer, singer and educator who wrote a series of songs for primary-aged children, sensitively arranged and with appropriate lyrics. Jenkyns was the headmaster of two primary schools outside of London for whose choirs he composed songs for the St Albans’ Schools Music Festival. He was also a highly-regarded Gilbert and Sullivan patter-song singer and he founded a local Gilbert & Sullivan society which is still thriving.


Pesmi Jenkyns je za otroke lahko najbolje opišemo kot umetnih pesmi za najmlajše pevce. Their ranges and technical requirements are just right for the younger age groups and their lyrics – as in The Little Elf – are perfectly gauged for their performers. Peter Jenkyns je bila v 20. stoletju britanski skladatelj, pevec in pedagog, ki je napisal vrsto pesmi primarnih let otroki, z občutkom urejen in z ustreznimi besedili. Jenkyns bil ravnatelj dveh osnovnih šol zunaj Londona, za katerega zborov je napisal pesmi za šole Music Festival St Albans '. Bil je tudi zelo cenjen, Gilbert in Sullivan Rožljanje pesem pevka in je ustanovil lokalno Gilberta.
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