Partiture $39.39
Michael Nyman. Six Celan Songs For Low Female Voice And Piano. Sheet Music. Alto, Piano. ALTO. PFA. Michael Nyman. --.Prevod
Michael Nyman. Šest Celan Pesmi za nizko ženski glas in klavir. Sheet Music. Up, Medium. HIGH. PFA. Michael Nyman. --.Originalno
This cycle of settings of poems by Paul Celan was written between May and July 1990 for Ute Lemper. The texts are taken from the following collections. 'Chanson einer Dame im Schatten' and 'Corona' from Mohn und Gedachtnis. 1952. , 'Nachtlich geschurzt' from Von Schwelle zu Schwelle. 1955. , 'Blume' from Sprachgitter. 1959. , and 'Es war Erde in ihnen' and 'Psalm' from Die Niemandsrose of 1963. The settings of 'Corona' and 'Blume' both introduce an eight-bar chord sequence derived from Chopin's Mazurka in A minor, Op.17 No.4. the introduction to which was used by Gorecki in his Symphony No.3. Piano and voice version written in 1997 at the request of Hilary Summers.Prevod
Ta cikel nastavitve pesmi Paul Celan je bila napisana med majem in julijem 1990 za Ute Lemper. Besedila so vzeta iz naslednjih zbirk. "Šanson dama v senci" in "Corona" iz maka in spomin. 1952. "Geschurzt Nachtlich", od praga do praga. 1955. "Blume" iz Sprachgitter. 1959. , In "Bilo je umazanija na njih" in "Ps" od The Rose od št 1963. Nastavitve "Corona" in "Blume" tako uvesti osem-bar tetiva zaporedje, ki izhaja iz Chopinovega Mazurka v a-molu, Op.17 No.4. uvod, ki ga je Górecki uporablja v svojem Simfoničnega No.3. Piano and voice version written in 1997 at the request of Hilary Summers.Največkrat iskano