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Franz Schubert. Lieder Volume 6 - Low Voice. Sheet Music. Low Voice. LOW VCE. Franz Scubert.


Franz Schubert. Lieder Volume 6 - Low Voice. Sheet Music. Nizka Voice. LOW VCE. Franz Scubert.


Continuing the new Urtext edition of Schubert’s lieder, editor Walther Dürr now presents volume 6, for low voice. While volumes 1 to 4 of this series contain mostly lieder that Schubert had published during his lifetime, volume 5ff. contain the remaining songs which are presented basically chronologically in the order of their Deutsch catalogue number. The lieder in this sixth volume were composed during the period between autumn 1814 and spring 1815. With “Nachtgesang”. D 119. and “Trost in Tränen”. D120. Schubert turns to the “Strophenlied” in its stricter sense for the first time. He develops an interest in this form parallel to his first involvement with Geothe. Schubert, during this period an assistant teacher at his father’s school, orientated himself towards the so-called “Berliner Liederschule”, particularly the songs of Johann Friedrich Reichardt. By the beginning of the year 1815 he drew his inspiration mainly from the texts of Theodor Körner. however he regularly still produced settings for the poetry of Goethe and Schiller. Based on the Urtext of the “New Schubert Edition”. Newly engraved, clearly presented musical layout. Foreword by Walther Dürr on the history and genesis of the work as well as an explanation of the sources for each individual lied. Eng. Ger. Includes English translations of lieder texts by Richard Wigmore.


Continuing the new Urtext edition of Schubert’s lieder, editor Walther Dürr now presents volume 6, for low voice. Medtem ko se je obseg 1 do 4 te serije večinoma vsebuje samospevi, da je Schubert objavljen v času njegovega življenja, obsega 5ff. vsebujejo preostale pesmi, ki so predstavljene v bistvu kronološko po vrstnem redu njihove Deutsch kataloški številki. Samospevi v tem šestem obsega so bili sestavljeni v obdobju med jeseni 1814 in spomladanski 1815. Z "Nachtgesang". D 119. in "tolažbo v solzah". D120. Schubert obrne na "Strophenlied" v svojem ožjem smislu, prvič. On si razvija interes v tej obliki, vzporedno s svojim prvim sodelovanjem z Geothe. Schubert, v tem obdobju pomočnik učitelja na očetovi šoli, naravnan sam proti tako imenovanimi "Berliner Liederschule", predvsem pesmi Johann Friedrich Reichardt. Do začetka leta 1815 je narisal svoj navdih predvsem iz besedila Theodor Körner. Vendar pa je še vedno redno proizvaja nastavitve za poezijo Goetheja in Schillerja. Temelji na Urtext za "New Schubert Edition". Novo gravirano, jasno predstavila glasbeno postavitev. Predgovor Walther Dürr o zgodovini in nastanku dela, kot tudi obrazložitev virov za vsakega posameznika je lagal. Tesno. Ger. Vključuje angleške prevode samospeva besedil Richard Wigmore.