
Partiture $3.55


George Frideric Handel. 'Hallelujah' Chorus SATB. Organ. New Engraving. Sheet Music. SATB, Organ Accompaniment. SATB. ORGA. George Frideric Handel.


Georg Friedrich Händel. "Hallelujah" Chorus SATB. Orgle. New graviranje. Sheet Music. SATB, orgle Spremljava. SATB. ORGA. Georg Friedrich Händel.


The 'Hallelujah' Chorus, arguably the most famous choral work of the western classical tradition, is the closing number of the second part of Handel's Messiah. Such is the strength of Handel's word setting that this empathic, triumphal paean retains its appeal in spite of the cultural overexposure and controversy to which it has been subjected, remaining a firm favourite with choirs. The premiere of Messiah was in Dublin in 1742 as the high point of a full season of Handel's work. It was a charity event, held in aid of local causes, and in order to get the maximum attendance at Neale's new music hall in Fishamble Street, men were asked to remove their swords, and ladies the hoops in their dresses. The tradition of standing during performances of the 'Hallelujah' Chorus, still indulged at some performances in Britains, is said to have been started by King George II at the work's opening run in London in 1743.


Chorus "Hallelujah", verjetno najbolj znana zborovsko delo zahodne klasične tradicije, je število zapiranje drugega dela Händel je Mesija. Takšna je moč nastavitev besedo Händel, da ta empatični, Triumphal Plan ohrani svojo pritožbo kljub kulturne prekomerne in polemike, ki mu je bilo izpostavljeno, da ostane trdno favorita z zbori. Premiera Mesija je bil v Dublinu leta 1742, kot vrhunec celotno sezono, dela Händel je. To je bila dobrodelna prireditev, ki je potekala v pomoč lokalnih vzrokov, in da bi dobili najvišjo udeležbo na Neale je novi glasbeni dvorani v Fishamble ulici, so moški morali odstraniti svoje meče in gospe obroče v svoje obleke. Tradicija stoji v predstavah "Hallelujah" zbor, še vedno razvajali na nekaterih predstavah v britanskemu, je dejal, da so se začeli kralj George II na delu v otvoritveni tek v Londonu 1743.