Partiture $10.97
Elementary Music Theory Wall Chart. Posters. All Instruments. ALL INST.
Osnovni Music Theory Wall Chart. Posterji. Vsi inštrumenti. VSE INST.
This wall chart gives a complete, easy-to-understand graphical overview of the most important elements of music. note names, intervals, note and rest values and counting, clefs, and other elements of notation as well as the notes on the staff and their location on the keyboard. Note. The sample for this product is an image of the entire chart. It may take a while to load. Dimensions. 24" x 35".
Ta Plakat daje popolno, enostaven za razumeti grafični pregled najpomembnejših elementov glasbe. Upoštevajte, imena, intervale, beležko in počitek vrednote in štetju, Clefs in drugih elementov zapisa, kot tudi opombe o zaposlenih in njihovo lokacijo na tipkovnici. Opomba. Vzorec za ta izdelek je slika celotnega grafikona. To lahko traja nekaj časa za nalaganje. Dimenzije. 24" x 35".