
Partiture $28.56


Hugh Gregory. 1000 Great Guitarists. Book.


Hugh Gregory. 1000 Velika kitaristov. Knjiga.


A critical guide to the best guitarists in the world, this book is, to date, the most comprehensive of its kind. It provides a summary of the careers and musical styles of not only international stars, but also lesser-known musicians and Guitar tutors. 1000 Great Guitarists covers all styles. rock, jazz, country, classical, blues, folk and many others. Countless information has been brought together for the first time in this unique directory. Each entry includes a biography, a concise evaluation of the musician concerned, information on their instruments, their best-selling records, and more. For some guitarists there is also a colour supplement, examining their life and work in even greater depth.


Kritično vodnik po najboljših kitaristov na svetu, je ta knjiga do danes najobsežnejši tovrstni. Zagotavlja povzetek kariere in glasbenih stilov, ne samo mednarodnih zvezd, ampak tudi manj znani glasbeniki in Guitar mentorjev. 1000 Velika kitaristov zajema vse sloge. rock, jazz, country, klasične, blues, folk in še mnogi drugi. Nešteto informacij je združila prvič v tej edinstveni imenik. Vsak vnos vključuje življenjepis, kratko in jedrnato oceno glasbenik, se informacija o svojih instrumentih, njihovih najbolje prodajanih plošč, in še več. Za nekatere kitarista je tudi barvni dodatek, ki bo preverjala njihovo življenje in delo v še bolj poglobljeno.