Partiture $12.55
Per Nørgård. Tribute To Bali. player's score. Sheet Music. Marimba. Percussion. MAR. PERC. Per Norgard.
Per Nørgård. Tribute To Bali. ocena igralčeva. Sheet Music. Marimba. Tolkala. MAR. PERC. Na Norgard.
Programme Note. TRIBUTE TO BALI is a 5-6 minutes piece for 3 percussionists, but also the original version for piano solo under the title “Many returns to Bali” might be called a percussion piece. the piano being a percussive instrument too, at least since Bartok’s “Allegro Barbaro”. – referring in sound and attack to Balinese gamelan music. In gamelan orchestras the fastest layers of music are played by high pitched instruments, the slowest layers by instruments with deep octaves. The same idea is present in my piece, and gives the music a Balinese touch, although no Balinese themes or motifs are used. The motives and rhythms are my own brew, especially the snake-like rhythm called “Pischop”, which – played in many layers at the same time – avoids the strong beats in a bar. The music might be described as a “Tribute to Pischop”. It also refers to my piece “Returns” for guitar. 1976. , composed after my first visit to Bali in 1975. The piece was composed as a hommage to the cultural rich civilization of Hindu Bali, after the bombings on the island in 2002. Percussionist Jacob Weber has, with my accept, arranged the original piano piece for percussion trio – for his debut in 2005 at the Queens Hall at the Royal Library, Copenhagen. Per Nørgård. 2005.
Program Note. TRIBUTE TO BALI je 5-6 minut kos za 3 tolkalcev, ampak tudi prvotni različici za klavir solo pod naslovom Veliko se vrne na Baliju lahko imenuje tolkala kos. klavir pa udarnega instrument preveč, vsaj od Bartok je Allegro Barbaro. - Ki se nanašajo na zvok in napad na balijskem gamelan glasbe. V gamelan orkestri so najhitrejši plasti glasbe igral z visokimi poševne instrumenti, najpočasnejši plasti z instrumenti z globokimi oktav. Ista ideja je prisotna v mojem kosu in daje glasbi Balinese dotik, vendar se ne uporabljajo Balinese teme ali motivov. Motivi in ritmi so moje pivo, še posebej, kača, kot so ritem imenuje Pischop, ki - igral v številnih plasti hkrati - se izogiba močno bije v baru. Glasba bi lahko opisali kot Tribute to Pischop. Sklicuje se tudi na mojem kosu dohodek za kitaro. 1976. , Ki ga sestavljajo po mojem prvem obisku na Baliju leta 1975. Kos je bil sestavljen kot Hommage h kulturni bogati civilizaciji hindujski Bali, po bombnih napadih na otoku v letu 2002. Tolkalec Jacob Weber ima, z mojim sprejeti, urejen prvotni klavir kos za tolkalski trio - za debiju leta 2005 na Queens Hall na Kraljevi knjižnici, Kopenhagen. Per Nørgård. 2005.