
Partiture $63.06


Traditional. Scenes from the Emerald Isle. Sheet Music. String Instruments. STR INST.


Tradicionalni. Prizori iz Emerald Isle. Sheet Music. Godal. STR INST.


Imagine the people and places of old Ireland, and the musical images that follow. Three of these traditional melodies form the basis of this stunning arrangement. She Moved Through the Fair paints a haunting picture of lost love while The Rakes of Kildare portrays unrestrained joviality. The Green Field of Erin then paints a an exuberant soundscape of the lush, green countryside as the work builds to a powerful conclusion. Your students will experience a full range of expression, texture, and phrasing in this entrancing trip to the Emerald Isle. 26.


Predstavljajte si, ljudi in krajev stare Irske in glasbene podobe, ki sledijo. Tri od teh tradicionalnih melodij tvorijo osnovo za to osupljivo dogovora. Preselila Skozi sejem barve tesnobno sliko o izgubljeni ljubezni, medtem ko je Kompozicije Kildare portretira neoviran razigranosti. Green Field of Erin potem naslika bujno zvočno na bujne zelene pokrajine, saj delo temelji na močnih sklenitev. Vaši učenci bodo doživeli celoten spekter izražanja, teksture in fraziranje v tem očarljivo potovanje v Emerald Isle. 26.