
Partiture $12.55


Anthony Payne. Adlestrop. A3 Size Score. Sheet Music. Soprano, Piano. SOP. PFA. Anthony Payne. --.


Anthony Payne. Adlestrop. A3 Size Score. Sheet Music. Soprano, Piano. SOP. PFA. Anthony Payne. --.


Edward Thomas was born in Lambeth on 3rd March, 1878, and spent most of his childhood in London. His holidays, however, were spent with relatives in Swindon, and it was there that he developed his abiding love of all things rural. He was educated at St Paul's Hammersmith, and was encouraged in his creative writing by James Ashcroft Noble, whose daughter he secretly married, after her father's death, and to the great disapproval of her family. Despite growing anxiety over poverty, ill health and literary discouragement, which exacerbated a natural tendency to depression, Thomas worked unstintingly as a reviewer, and wrote and published over 30 books between 1897 and 1917. "Adlestrop" was written with four other poems between 7th and 9th June 1915. He enlisted in 1915 at the age of 37, and was called to the Front in 1917. He arrived at Arras on 9th February 1917, and was killed on the 9th April, Easter Monday, by a shell blast in the opening minutes of the offensive. This work for Soprano and Piano is set to the text of Edward Thomas.


Edward Thomas se je rodil v Lambeth dne 3. marca 1878 in je večino svojega otroštva preživel v Londonu. Njegove počitnice, vendar pa je bilo porabljenih pri sorodnikih v Swindon, in je bil tam, da je razvil svoj trajen ljubezen do vseh stvari na podeželju. Šolal se je na svetega Pavla Hammersmith in je bil spodbujati v njegovem ustvarjalnem pisno James Ashcroft Noble, čigar hči je skrivaj poročil, po očetovi smrti, in na veliko neodobravanje družine. Kljub narašča strah pred revščino, slabim zdravjem in literarni malodušja, ki še povečuje naravno nagnjeni k depresiji, Thomas unstintingly delal kot recenzent, in napisal in objavil več kot 30 knjig, med 1897 in 1917. "Adlestrop" je bil napisan s štirimi pesmimi med 7. in 9. junij 1915. Je prijavil leta 1915 v starosti 37, in je bil imenovan za fronte leta 1917. Je prispel na Arras na 9. februar 1917, in je bil ubit na 9. april, velikonočni ponedeljek, ki ga navidezno pišu v uvodnih minutah ofenzivo. This work for Soprano and Piano is set to the text of Edward Thomas.