
Partiture $15.71


John McCabe. Spielend. Violin 1 Part. Sheet Music. Violin. VLN. John McCabe.


John McCabe. Igranje. Violina 1. del. Sheet Music. Violina. VLN. John McCabe.


Spielend for two violins was written during the summer and early autumn of 2003, and is based on the idea of the two instruments not only playing the instruments but also playing in the sense of sport, i. playing their themes off against each other and playing with the musical material. There are times, for instance, when they seem to be having a contest to see who can finish the themes first, or who can divert the other’s attention to a new texture or rhythm. The title, the German word for "playing", also refers in a way to the composer himself exploring the themes, harmonies and rhythms - particularly notable in this respect is the large central slow section, which contrasts two altered reminiscences of the Violin Sonata of Poulenc. a composer whose music is very dear to me. with the gradual expansion of a fugue from two parts to eight. four in each violin. Fugue, after all, is in a sense an example of a composer making sport, however seriously, with the themes. So the work is a kind of extended musical pun, lasting about fifteen minutes in all and being performed without a break. Though the central section is slow, the outer ones are quick and energetic, emphasizing especially the idea of activity and vigour - the ending, however, may catch the unwary listener by surprise. The first performance was given by Philippa Mo and Peter Sheppard Skærved in Leighton House, London, on 7th May, 2004. "John McCabe's new 'Spielend' strikes me as a miniature masterpiece. a highly charged 15-minute piece in which the violins chase or echo each other in a thousand different ways, including a fugure in which, as with Bach, two instruments seemed to suggest a dozen voices. - Richard Morrison, The Times, 11. 05. 2004.


Spielend za dve violini je napisal poleti in zgodaj jeseni leta 2003 in temelji na ideji dveh instrumentov ne samo igranje instrumentov, pa tudi igranje v smislu športa, i. igrajo svoje teme off drug proti drugemu in se igrajo z glasbenim materialom. So časi, na primer, ko se zdi, da ima tekmovanje v tem, kdo lahko konča teme prvič, ali je mogoče preusmeriti pozornost drug drugega na novo teksturo ali ritma. Naslov, nemška beseda za "igranje", se nanaša tudi na način, da je skladatelj sam raziskuje teme, harmonije in ritmi - še posebej opazen v zvezi s tem je velik osrednji počasen odsek, ki razlikuje med dvema spremenjenih reminiscence za violino Sonata za Poulenc. skladatelj, katerega glasba je zelo ljub. s postopno širitvijo na fuge iz dveh delov do osem. štiri v vsaki violino. Fuga, po vsem, je v nekem smislu zgled skladatelj izdelavo šport, pa resno, s temami. Tako delo je nekako razširjeno glasbeno pun, ki traja približno petnajst minut, v vsem in se opravi brez prekinitve. Čeprav osrednji del počasi, zunanji pa so hitro in energično, s poudarkom zlasti idejo o aktivnosti in vitalnost - končnica, pa lahko ujeti nepazljivosti poslušalca s presenečenjem. Prva predstava je bila dana s Philippa Mo in Peter Sheppard Skærved v Leighton House, London, na 7. maj 2004. "John McCabe nova" Spielend "se mi zdi kot miniaturne mojstrovine. zelo zaračuna 15-minutni del, v katerem so violine chase ali echo seboj na tisoč različnih načinov, vključno z fugure, v katerem je, kot pri Bacha, dva instrumenta je zdelo, da kažejo ducat glasove. - Richard Morrison, The Times, 11. 05. 2004.
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